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  • Honorbuddy v2.5.11875.753

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by raphus, Oct 29, 2014.

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    1. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Honorbuddy v2.5.11875.753

      New features:
        * Core
          - Added some minor changes to log entries to help multilingual environments (HB-1344)
      Bug fixes:
        * BGBuddy
          - Fixed a bug where the bot may stand still in the start area of IoC. (HB-1402)
        * Core
          - Updated ProtectedItems.xml.  All bags should now be protected.  Added harvestable herb and ore 'pieces'.  Several new pets added. (HB-1404)
          - MailFrame.TakeAttachedItems, OpenAllMail() and OpenAllMailCoroutine methods are now marked as obsolete. To take their places, 3 new coroutines, MailFrame.GetMailAttachmentsCoroutine, OpenAllMailCoroutine and OpenAllMailFromCoroutine have been added. (HB-1224)
          - WoWUnit.CanSkin no-longer checks the skill level since mobs can be skinned at any level now. (HB-1318)
        * Gatherbuddy
          - All herbs and minerals will be shown in the GUI now as there are no required skills anymore. (HB-1394)
        * Other
          - Starting from this version, Updater will now properly ask for admin privileges when UAC is enabled. (HB-1316)
        * ProfessionBuddy
          - 'Buy Item On AH' and 'Cancel Auction' will no longer close the auction frame on start (HB-1381)
          - 'Sell Item' and 'Buy Item' will no longer close the vendor frame on start. This was added to ensure the vendor frame was opened at the correct NPC however it been reverted since this change broke some profiles (HB-1389)
        * QuestBehaviour
          - InstanceTimer WaitTime now defaults to 360000 milliseconds (6 mins (HB-1403)
          - Fixed a NullReference exception in PerformTradeskillOn (HB-1373)
          - InteractWith: no longer throws exceptions in attempts to buy items (HB-1387)
        * Questing
          - CreatureCacheEntry has been updated to work in WoW 6.0 (HB-1345)
        * Singular
          - Fixed an IndexOutOfRange exception that may happen during PullMore checks (HB-1393)

      [SIZE=+1]Reporting Bugs[/SIZE]
      Please report confirmed bugs to THIS thread!
      When reporting a bug, please include your full log file (found in your bot folder under the "Logs" directory, sort by creation date to find it easier), a full and detailed explanation of the bug, as well as any screenshots that may be useful in tracking down the bug.


      Honorbuddy: Installer (recommended) / Zip

      Honorbuddy Deutsche Version: Installer (recommended) / Zip
      → For German users, this Honorbuddy client must be used—the other Honorbuddy version(s) will not work for you. ←
      Ref: Honorbuddy Deutsche Version - Pressemitteilung

      Honorbuddy Asian Version: Installer (recommended) / Zip
      → For Asian users, we suggest using this client as it connects to our HK auth servers which results in faster login time and consistent connection ←

      The Buddy Dependency Wizard will install these requirements for you, if needed.
      Of course, you are welcome to install them manually if so inclined.

      [SIZE=+1]Thread Management Rules[/SIZE]
      Posts that have been archived from this thread are available here:
      Posts are archived according to the following rules:

      • Posts that have received a response from the Bossland GmbH staff are archived.
        Do not assume that because your post was archived, it means we don't care.
        We are simply keeping this thread clean.

      • This thread is for confirmed bug reports only.
        You should have tried to resolve your problem using the Support forum, first.
        If the Support forum can't resolve your issue, they will ask that you report the problem here.

      • We will only look into bugs reported against the version of Honorbuddy represented by this thread.
        Bugs reported against any other Honorbuddy releases (including Betas) will be archived immediately without comment.

      • Bug reports without FULL, unedited logs attached will be immediately archived without comment.

      • Either report bugs properly, or do not report them at all.
        We cannot look into bugs that have little to no information.
        Bugs reported in such a fashion will be immediately archived without comment.

      • If you wish to submit a feature request to this thread, please make certain it is not already covered.

      • This is not a discussion thread.
        If you derail this thread, you will be muted for up to 30 days. No questions.

      • Archiving may not be immediate, but occur every few days.

      Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2014
      ginuwine12 likes this.
    2. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      [size=+1]Currently Known Bugs[/size]
      • HB-1286: ProfileManager gets confused if Botbase is changed
      • HB-1302: WoWSpell.CanCast reports false when moving and shooting steady shot
      • HB-1323: Problem with Kill-form of <Objective>
      • HB-1325: HasItem() does not check for Items in the "invisible" WoD Bag
      • HB-1331: MyCTM fails to move if only "Z" value changes, causing profile termination
      • HB-1335: HBcore and Singular fighting over Druid Travel Form or Cat Form
      • HB-1337: Serious lagging on Battlegrounds
      • HB-1340: Unable to turn in quest while under water to 'dead' NPC
      • HB-1348: "Error Trying to Save Settings File" File Already Exists
      • HB-1353: Settings files are still being corrupted
      • HB-1356: Honorbuddy sometimes sells the 'last' bag
      • HB-1361: Map changes/teleports/hearthing cause GreyMagic errors
      • HB-1391: AutoEquip does account for gem stats
      • HB-1395: Singular throwing exceptions when Priest tries to use Lightwell in dungeons
      • HB-1408: Gatherbuddy2 not using Swift Flight Form in non-English client
      • HB-1409: Stormstout Brewery: Problem handling Hozen Party Animal
      • HB-1410: Vortex Pinnacle: Not taking slipstreams after killing boss
      • HB-1423: ProfessionBuddy taking an excessive amount of time to cancel auctions
      • HB-1424: CollectItem-form of Objective fails when toon has mob aggro but no mobs to fight
      • HB-1425: Druid Cat Form Spamming on/off
      • HB-1432: DoWhen: Throws exceptions when profile-provided predicate doesn't properly check for nulls

      [size=+1]Singular-specific issues[/size]
      After a discussion with Bobby53, we are no longer capturing issues here against Singular. Bobby53 has a very thorough and efficient work flow that is independent of the HBcore bug tracking process. We will just need to give him time to 'catch up' to the changes imposed by WoD. He is well aware of all the issues that people have been reporting, and just needs time to address them.

      [size=+1]Bugs in danger of being discarded, due to lack of details[/size]
      • HB-1250: Add WoWAuction.Owner, and possible inclusion of BattlePetInfo
        "Is Owner not the same as PosterGuid, which is already there?

        We checked and adding Level and owner full name is not straightforward at all, both of them requiring several offsets to properly retrieve (and therefore maintenance). What is the actual usage scenario for these variables and why can they not be retrieved with Lua?

        We're still looking at the battle pet info things, but they will probably be added."

      [size=+1]Awaiting Confirmation[/size]

      [size=+1]Cannot reproduce[/size]
      Bugs marked as "cannot reproduce" are usually due to problems with your particular Honorbuddy installation. For instance, third-party products that are not working correctly—you should disable Buddy Store streaming for all products. Another cause is interference from external programs or addons. Your best way to recovering from this always starts with a clean install.
      If you continue to experience problems after conducting a 'clean install', and disabling the streaming of all products from the Buddy Store, you should seek help in the Support forum with your log that captures the issue.

      • HB-1392: Failed to TurnIn after 20 seconds due to GreyMagic error
        "The user indicates that it happened after every quest so we tried to reproduce it the straight forward way (by interacting with quest NPCs), and was unable to. And since it happens after every quest, I'm assuming it's not just related to the specific NPC (Elder Mootoo).
        He also didn't respond if it cleared itself up after a restart (which makes us think it did)."
      • HB-1428: CN HB that connects to the HK auth servers?
        "We tested CN version and it properly changes everything to English once you change the language from Settings & Tools. Even the bot names unlike Corehound mentioned"

      [size=+1]Not a Bug / Won't fix[/size]
      • HB-1173: In the Message quest behavior, allow for dynamic strings?
        "The RunCode quest behavior is capable of solving this problem without adding additional complexity to Message. Here is an example of how it would be done:
        <CustomBehavior File="RunCode"
        Code="Logging.Write(&quot;Gathered {0} of 250 Plagueland Termites&quot;, GetItemCount(15043))" />
      • HB-1342: RunLUA causes the WoWclient to close
        "This is a bug in the WoWclient—"/run UseItemByName(0)" yields the same behavior in game.
        Instead of UseItemByName(6948), you can use UseItemByName("item:6948") (and similarly for other item IDs). This is the easiest workaround we can think of, until the WoWclient bug is repaired."
      • HB-1380: DungeonBuddy crashes (related to graphics load?)
        " Since it's honorbuddy crashing, not WoW and it's on a drobox folder it's probably safe to assume it was a file system related error. I can't think of a reason to investigate this problem until user can show the problem is not related to dropbox. If this problem occurs again, a screenshot of the popup dialog, if it's shown, should be requested."
      • HB-1396: ArcheologyBuddy unable to locate any digsites
        "ArcheologyBuddy is receiving interference from an external source. This could be a WoWclient addon, or even an Antivirus. The user should chase the problem from his end. The following resource will give some places to start: BosslandGmbH:HelpDesk:programs that Interfere with BosslandGmbH Products"
      • HB-1413: Honorbuddy randomly changing equipment
        "The log shows no indication that AutoEquip is equipping anything, and there are no other indications in the log that a third-party plugin is causing equipment changes. Consider a clean HB without plugins and WoW install without addons and try to see if it's still reproducible. If the problem can be replicated in his configuration, we need more information (which items are equipped, when does it happen etc.)."
      • HB-1417: Lags with Auraproc, also lagging singular
        "The issue is the developer's code is using Thread.Sleep(), and causing the lag."
      • HB-1427: Dungeonbuddy RaF issues
        "Problem one: Levels so fast that gear lags behind.
        Properly gearing toons for dungeons is the user's problem to solve—not DungeonBuddy's.
        Problem two: Prist doesn't cast Power word: Shield.
        This is something a CR should handle
        And the question: Am I able to have 5 characters on different realms doing these dungeons?
        Yes, in the DB settings on the designated party mode leader add all the names of the followers in the PartyMembers edit box using the CHARNAME-REALMNAME format."


      [size=+1]Already repaired for next drop[/size]
      • HB-843: Prefer using flying mount when doing Vendor runs
        "Flying mount is now used by default when doing vendor runs. With the recent Flightor modifications, defaulting to flight is now possible. If a profile encounters a situation where a ground mount must be used, the profile will need to specify Nav='Run" for the Vendor."
      • HB-1117: Siege of Orgimmar, Last Stand of the Zandalari (wing 1): Refinements to Jin'rokh the Breaker encounter
        "Raid following logic has been improved."
      • HB-811: DungeonBuddy: Add hysteresis to toon 'following' logic
        "Added movement randomizations to tank following logic to help eliminate stacking of bots "
      • HB-1322: Honorbuddy ignoring neutral quest mobs that are part of <Objective>
      • HB-1350: DungeonBuddy: rework Upper Blackrock Spire
        "Updated the script and profile for Upper Blackrock Spire dungeon"
      • HB-1378: ProfessionBuddy: Expand InBagCount() to account for profession bank?
        "InBagCount will now account for items in personal and reagent bank"
      • HB-1383: DungeonBuddy recognizing completed dungeons, but not leaving them
        "Fixed a problem where Dungeonbuddy would idle after dungeon completion when running a full group of bots and partyMode leader was not the tank"
      • HB-1399: ProfessionBuddy emit wrong messages due to handler detach failure
        "CastSpellAction: no-longer attempts to detach same lua handler for UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED twice"
      • HB-1401: DungeonBuddy: Raigonn is not being pulled
      • HB-1405: Lost City of Tol'vir: Problems with vendor runs
        "Blocked the inside of the building that contains the portal to Lost City of Tol'vir to prevent bot from running through it to get to other side of building"
      • HB-1406: Lost City of Tol'vir: Stuck on stairs otw to Lockmaw
        "Lost City of Tol'vir: Fixed a mesh issue by the stairs to Lockmaw"
      • HB-1407: Lost City of Tol'vir: Stuck in combat at Enslaved Bandits
        "Fixed bug where Tank would idle when in combat with a NPC that is attacking NPC"
        "Fixed a bug where tank would idle at a boss instead of pulling it."
      • HB-1411: ProfessionBuddy: "GetMail->CheckNewMail appears to be unused"
        "The 'GetMail->CheckNewMail appears to be unused' appears when an attribute in profile is not used and is fairly harmless. It can be fixed by simply loading the profile and then saving it using PB's GUI.
        Also, repaired a compile error in Mining-Herb (1-600)flying-GB2.xml"
      • HB-1414: Bot stopping when quest turnin fails for 20 secs
        "Fixed a problem where QuestBot would stop if turnin/pickup NPC despawned or was killed during turnin/pickup process."
      • HB-1426: WoWObject.GetPosition() has been obsoleted
        "Use WoWObject.Location, instead"

      • This release is not optimized for performance.
        Performance optimizations will be addressed after whittling down the severe bugs in our list of known bugs.

      • The bugs listed here are only a fraction of our bug work load.
        Many bugs we must address are internal, or not for public consumption.

      • The previous 'Known Bugs' list is here.
      Last edited: Nov 4, 2014
      ginuwine12 likes this.
    3. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      [size=+1]Post dispositions[/size]
      These posts have been archived for the reasons stated here.

      Problem should be resolved in the Support forum

      Using third-party products that have not been updated for pre-WoD
      Once again, we draw your attention to the bright red letters in the first post that are easy to overlook

      Missing critical information (logs, screenshots, etc.)
      Your post may also be archived "without comment" for this reason. The posts listed here made an effort to report the problem, but the information provided was insufficient to create a bug report (e.g., wrong log, partial log, screenshot needed, etc)
      • Botti (partial log attached, no AutoEquip log attached, no description of which items involved that were considered problems)
      • Fgame
      • Mnime (partial log)

      Didn't check the "Known Issues" list

      Log is not against the current release
      Last edited: Nov 2, 2014
    4. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Gankon,

      Please report these issues to the Singular thread. There is a link to Singular in the second post of this thread, if you need it.


      [size=-2]Ref: Gankon's original post w/log[/size]
    5. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Chaaban, and thanks for the log.

      This is issue HB-1342 on the '.753 Known Bugs List.

      As a work-around, please do the No More Mushrooms quest yourself, then restart Honorbuddy. You will have to keep helping the bot along this way until the issue is repaired in Honorbuddy


      [size=-2]Ref: Chaaban's problem report w/log[/size]
    6. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Killerbiene,

      The video is MUCH appreciated. But to chase this problem we will need the log of this event to see what is failing.

      Please attach the full log the next time you encounter this problem.


      [size=-2]Ref: Killerbiene's problem report w/log[/size]
    7. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, LimboMessiah, and MANY htanks for that screenshot and log.

      We've added your information to issue HB-1356 on the '.753 Known Bugs List.

      The "hearthstone fix" should always work, as the WoWclient only allows empty bags to be sold.


      [size=-2]Ref: LimboMessiah's problem report w/log & screenie[/size]
    8. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Moboken, and thanks for the log.

      You need to report this to either the Enyo or Singular thread—it is not an Honorbuddy bug.


      [size=-2]Ref: Moboken's original post w/log[/size]
    9. Corleone

      Corleone Well-Known Member

      May 24, 2013
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      For how long?
      Honorbuddy checks itself with a CRC, and if you rename it, Hb crashes within minutes.
      Almost all botbases/plugins/CRs etc. also need the original name to work properly.
      Your problem may be related to this.
      I can't imagine that you're happy with your renaming.

      PS: Renaming HB has no effect since each executable has a so called file descriptor, that is readable by calling the process list.
      If you don't see it, then your taskmanager simply doesn't show it.
      But it is there, with full names of Bossland and Honorbuddy.exe.
      Renaming HB has no effect and is absolutely no protection against process scans.
      Last edited: Oct 30, 2014
      Cisem likes this.
    10. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      I believe this to be an issue with Singular, not HB. I looked at your logs and you're using Singular. Bobby has not fully updated Singular for 6.02+ yet. He's still working on getting it fully working. I don't know if you've posted the issue in the Singular thread, but I suggest posting it there with your logs as well. Tony's already said they'll look into it, but I'm sure this has something to do with Singular.
    11. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Fgame,

      This is a profile issue—it should be blackspotting problematical nodes.

      Also, we don't read Russian. Next time you have a problem, please tell us where to look. We don't have time to read nine hours worth of log in a foreign (to us) language to try to figure out what's going on.


      [size=-2]Ref: Fgame's original post w/log[/size]
    12. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Liq,

      This is a known problem with the MountHook quest behavior. This article should better describe the problem and the work-arounds:


      [size=-2]Ref: Liq's problem report w/log[/size]
    13. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Laika69 and Corestalker,

      We've opened feature request HB-1468 ("CN HB that connects to the HK auth servers") against this issue.

      We're concerned about the demand for such a feature. And, it may easily be discarded due to the limited market, and the maintenance burden it may impose.

      To offset the concerns, can you provide more information why such is needed?

    14. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Peteyboy23, and Jazzman170 and thank you for the log.

      This is issue HB-1335 on the '.753 Known Bugs List.

      A work-around may be to disable "Travel form" in Singular settings.


      [size=-2]Ref: Peteyboy23's problem report w/log[/size]
      Last edited: Nov 2, 2014
    15. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Killerbiene,

      We believe the problem lies in one of the many third-party plugins you have running. Please repeat the problem using only Gatherbuddy2 in a 'clean install' of Honorbuddy.


      [size=-2]Ref: Killerbiene's original post w/log[/size]
    16. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Mugenji77, and thanks for the log.

      This is more than likely a profile problem. The log shows the profile is out-of-date in other ways.


      [size=-2]Ref: Megenji77's original post w/log[/size]
    17. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Treek, and thanks for the log.

      Whenever a WoWclient crash is encountered, we also need the WoWclient crash log.

      In the past, when the WoWclient crashes, we have established a pattern that users are frequently infected with Spyware that is causing the problem. For an example please see HB-1306 in the Honorbuddy v2.5.11837.752 Currently Known Bugs.

      Please run a Spyware checker or two, and eliminate that as a possibility first. If the problem continues to happen, we'll need both the HB log and the WoWclient crash log from the same event.


      [size=-2]Ref: Treek's original post w/log[/size]
    18. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Chopastyle, and thank you for the screenshot.

      We've reopened HB-1316 ("Honorbuddy Updater throwing exceptions"), and attached your screenshot. Any time you would like to report a problem, we'll also need the full log, please:

    19. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Cisem, and many thanks for the nice writeup and the log file.

      But, we admit to being confused on this one. This looks like the WoWclient is locking up—both from your description and the contents of the log.

      If this is the case, you may want to check your system for Spyware or interference by an AV or Firewall. It doesn't appear to be an Honorbuddy issue.


      [size=-2]Ref: Cisem's original post w/log[/size]
    20. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, GK2014, and thank you again!

      We corrected several of these last time, but missed it too.

      You should also be aware that the version you've attached here is missing:
      <!-- 24 slots -->
      <Item Name="Grummlepack" Id="88397" />


      [size=-2]Ref: GK2014's problem report w/corrected file[/size]
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