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  • Is 'Buddy Store' a good idea?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Frodo27, Nov 2, 2014.

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    1. Frodo27

      Frodo27 New Member

      Jan 20, 2012
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      This is a great site and for those like myself with ailments such as peripheral neuropathy it enables playing of the game.

      However, I have always considered the forums to be a source of guys helping each other out, not a site for franchising.

      As I see it, there are only franchisees available for routines and Singular doesn't come close.

      I know that there are a few people working on alternatives to Honorbuddy because of this and frankly I will switch if they eventuate.

      This is a site for botting, not a store.

      I also question how long it will be before individual countries challenge, according to their laws, the validity of these transactions. It is one thing to be a seller and another to sell on behalf of third parties.

      I simply suggest that this is a big mistake.

      What do others think?
    2. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      what exactly is your issue with the store?

      to offer items in the store, the developer must sign a contract to update, maintain and support their products for quite a long time. this is better for the community.
      the store streams your products with your key, as much as it hurts me to say, this is better for the community.
      the store gives developers a chance to profit for their efforts giving them incentive to produce more and better products. this is better for the community.
      the store gives developers a place to offer for money their products without having to go to a third party website. this is better for the community.
      the store gives users a central place to browse products for the bots they have purchased without having to go to a third party website. keeps the community together.

      this is where you bought honorbuddy isnt it. almost like a store already

      im not real sure why you are against it.
      wakkawakka22 likes this.
    3. Senator Palpatine

      Senator Palpatine New Member

      Jul 16, 2012
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      TL;DR "I dont want to pay for more things"

      The store itself is a way to consolidate things available to you in one spot. Charging for them, or a premium version, is NOT new.
    4. wakkawakka22

      wakkawakka22 New Member

      Nov 11, 2011
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      I agree. I understand there were/are some hiccups with the recent patches. However, I think once the dust settles, this will be a smooth process. I can't tell you how much money I've spent on donation and purchases for routines where the developer just disappears. There will be some accountability, there will be some recourse should something happen with a purchase.
    5. GK2014

      GK2014 Member

      Mar 29, 2014
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      Honestly - nothing has really changed. The store allows centralization of all the various products for the bot. The free versions are still available as well as the premium paid versions.
    6. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      we no longer have to reinstall everything when Support tells us 'Lawl, you used the installer?! whatta noob. download the zip and do a clean install in a new folder, lawl. /whispers 'hey Tony, this noob used teh installer!!'
    7. chazz93

      chazz93 Member

      Aug 5, 2012
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      personally the buddy store has screwed me over from ever DLing anything......... i started botting a long time ago. when i started i had no idea what this site was so i made a random account to check it out. later i like it and purchased the full lifetime 3 bot key..... now i come to find that the key was linked to the first account and i never noticed since i would be able to do everything i needed with the new account. now that the store was put in, you are only able to DL somthing if your account has an active key... and im not able to link MY ket to MY account because i dont know the credential to the old account..... moral of the story. actually save the " save this order code xxxxxxxxxx " .......
    8. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      i helped a bro out and bought his keys when he finally got tired of getting banned. now i have 6 keys without credentials. i cant even get support to verify if the keys are legit/stolen/valid whatever. seems they cant tell the difference between legit keys and ones found on third party websites.
    9. mnime

      mnime New Member

      Dec 25, 2013
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      You suggest that? this is not a suggestion dude. You THINK this is a big mistake, when you SUGGEST something you have an idea in your mind not a complain! Then be useful and suggest something if you're not OK with it.
      Store was the best idea but IMO the prices on some of the products are ridiculous! I think it would have been better for the buddy team to valuate the product (like a pattern for every profile, plugin or routine and score it in term of code complexity) put a price on it and sell it on the store. I mean I paid 25 euro for the bot, is a simple bot that uses the base bot and is only for ONE simple job worth 45 euro? and the guy said the price is because I don't want the spot to get crowded! I mean wth. Is it wise to let the developers set the prices?
      Last edited: Nov 3, 2014
    10. htabz

      htabz New Member

      Dec 22, 2011
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      I have pretty mixed feelings overall about the transition to the store.

      I think it makes sense for Honorbuddy. Gives them a way to monetize old customers like me who have had their key for ages. Helps protect against piracy and acts as an incentive for devs to code for their product.

      I think it's bad for the customer/community though. For one, it leads to stagnation of current existing routines/botbases. BGbuddy is a great example of this. It's pretty much gotten to the point where the idea of Honorbuddy is just being the APIs nothing more. I'd hate to see other botbases/routines suffer the same fate as BGBuddy did. Again this makes great sense for Honorbuddy, but is unfortunate for the consumer. What happens if Enyo goes down the same route and then we're left shelling out for the new and improved raiding botbase, or singular dies off (which I absolutely adore and works better than all of these high priced routines) and then you're looking at spending a lot of $ to have multiple classes.

      With the paid routines, not only are they pretty pricey ($25+ per class) but also placing them into an official store really increases the demand of updates and quality and work, which just isn't there at times. Before you donated like $5 to get the premium profile, and understood it was a guy doing this part time, for donations, and that downtime/bugs even in the premium profile were to be expected. The extended downtime and bugs when you've paid a premium price from an official store feels quite different.

      And when that does occur, there's no way for you or some other community member to step up and fix it. Not having access to the profiles/routines to customize/change/fix things when the inevitable problems pop up is annoying as well. I also don't think the quality of work reflects the price, but that's my opinion and I am not forced to buy them, yet.

      Hopefully once WoD hits and we all get some more experience with the new direction Honorbuddy is going my opinions will change.
    11. Cere21

      Cere21 New Member

      Dec 9, 2011
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      That has nothing to do with the Buddy team at all. You have emails that give you all the details you need. The onus is on you.

      I find the buddy store a god send. As someone who uses multiple classes with multiple bots, removing SVN is a massive improvement. It saves me an imense amount of time and issues. Every time a new bot drops now I just fresh install to prevent any issues from even occurring.
      Since the BuddyStore has been implemented I have never had a HB issue.
    12. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      just a few corrections
      i use Leaves and Stars by Mirabis, they run me 12.5usd per. 25usd for my druid, but i really didnt need both to survive.
      developers sign a contract to update, maintain, and support their work, for a long period of time.

      if you use Stars or Leaves, you will never go back to Singular for EndGame Raiding.

      and this!!! i save sooo much time not having to deal with finding/downloading/copypasting old shit into new folders.
      Last edited: Nov 3, 2014
    13. htabz

      htabz New Member

      Dec 22, 2011
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      I've never used either of those, so no opinion of them.

      I just use singular with any AFK botting. The amount of issues I've had with the premium routines vs singular is staggering. I'm sure in a use controlled state most of the paid routines would do better than singular.

      I guess that's another arc people could notice too about how Honorbuddy is changing. The amount of people I know now using CRs in PvE/Arena is absolutely staggering compared to the amount I know that afk bot!
    14. randomstraw

      randomstraw Community Developer

      Jul 17, 2012
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      Personal Opinion Thread?

      Definately no.

      Why you ask?
      The problem isn'T paying for stuff.

      The problem is not being able to edit stuff because its streamed / compiled and or closed source.
      Just leaving this, without more explanation.
    15. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      the two posts above give good points. Singular works awesome for 1-89 and afk botting.

      and most but not all developers will supply code to paying users if they give a good enough reason needing source.
    16. Jtroy

      Jtroy New Member

      Jun 29, 2013
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      I think the store is pretty much the best idea ever. Let's face it: the part that you have to pay hurts you in the moment you're doing it BUT if you're using a CR for example and you see how much work the develop insert to his project you just know that you're money made him doing this. I know it doesn't sound the heroic but Tuanha for example deserves any dollar he ever earned.
    17. Vociferate

      Vociferate Member

      Jan 6, 2014
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      I love everything about the store.

      Except... the profiles are now closed source. I abso-fucking-lutely hate it that I cannot edit things anymore. I like being able to take a farming profile and tweak it, I like being able to change some code in the bot base. I am not rewriting things to publish, just making small edits where I need or want them.

      Not happy with that side of things.
    18. randomstraw

      randomstraw Community Developer

      Jul 17, 2012
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      exactly my stance. except the first line.

    19. Hawker

      Hawker Well-Known Member Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Email support@thebuddyforum.com with your details and it will be fixed for you.
    20. Kuat

      Kuat Member

      Apr 22, 2012
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      If you don't like the way things are, then to make your own bot and plugins and distribute them free of charge.
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