I am going to get a bot set up to farm gold. I'm trying to find the most discreet method. I am planning to purchase 3 new accounts under a separate name and I was trying to decide between EU and US. I play US but have heard rumors that you stand a better chance of not getting banned. I plan on being as careful as I possibly can atm and I don't care about making gold on my primary account. I have close to a million stockpiled for next expansion but would like to get these accounts up and running before the expansion drops so that I can start stockpiling. Any suggestions would be fantastic. Thank you for the advise in advance!
i don't know about US vs EU... but for what its worth i used to bot 2 RAF accounts simultaneously on Oceanic just about 24/7 for weeks at a time without any bans right around the time mop came out. i did this because I was actually playing from an Oceanic region. i kept one account stable and kept using it to RAF new accounts and sell them off after hitting 90 + getting full bg gear. at a certain point i was just trying to push the limits of how far and obviously i could bot without any incidents. i never reached that limit however do consider that Oceanic just got relocated to the Aussie data center. i don't know if that would change anything... but probably. i now bot on US and i'm much more careful but still have never been banned