Hey guys, so there's been a lot of outcry from the forums about a replacement for FateHunter since WereDidIGo decided to take it down. Well, with his permission I've made my own version of his old plugin and I'm releasing it to the public. First off, this is a very simple plugin. All it does is check your current level and teleports you to the appropriate zone based on the chart below. If you do not have these teleport locations unlocked, it will not work for you. That's all it does, the teleporting. Everything else is handled by FateBot. Now this is a very simple plugin and will likely never have many updates. It does what it's supposed to do and that's probably all it will every do. Enjoy! With this, coupled with RePear repair bot, you could essentially AFK your character, but I wouldn't really recommend that, as he will need new equipment every 5-7 levels to be able to keep up with the new zones. Kudos goes to WhereDidIGo for most of this code. All I did was take his original plugin and modify it to meet my needs.
well, i have all of these locations, however, its not working. Im lvl 48 and im not getting teleported to Camp Dragonhead when i run the fate bot from uldah
I made a few spelling mistakes in the version I posted. Just checked it on a level 4 and level 23 character and it works now. Try it and let me know.
Don't work for me. I'm Lvl 48 , first START he teleport to dragon camp & camp bronze lake & dragon camp & camp bronze... Second start he teleport in camp bronze lake but i'm lvl 48.
Excellent! I tested it with a 46 Fisher and it did the teleporting just fine. Glad to hear it's working
Just a feedback. After your changes the plugin seems to work on my main class. Waiting for update to test on my other class. Thanks for the plugin!!
Hey, great plugin and works great only thing that I have found is that after I complete a fate I mount my chocobo and go to location I set like it should, but after I level I will teleport back rather then run. For example at level 30 I teleported to Costa, and did fates till I leveled to 31, as soon as I hit level 31 I stopped everything and telelported back to Costa. It did resume to doing its thing after that, but just wanted to let you know.
Great work mate, But found a bug, if your bot dies, It returns you to home... and the fatebot kicks in from your location (doing fates way to high for your level) and dosnt TP you back to the location you should be working from at your level.
So is there anyway to make this plugin kick in on death ?? on death TP to correct zone for level. I mean the plugin dose this great when you hit the start button, we just need it do the same checks on death.
At the moment, my only work around is just making sure to set my home point where I'm going to be leveling for the next few levels. I'm working on coding a new version of this that should work a lot better, but to be honest I don't have a lot of free time, and I'm a crap programmer lol. I would like to have this fixed but I really can't give any kind of time table on when that will happen.
It's all good, I've hit the DEVS up for a possible solution, I'm thinking orderbot doesn't really have a death handling at this point, if I get some code of them il post a fix for it.. I've been having a good look at the code and I can't see anything that handles anything after death.