Loving this profile so far... Haven't died once and within the first 2 hours I've gotten 6 Keys, 2 Spirits of Harmony, and 1 epic BoE ilvl 476 neck piece. Running this on a ilvl 524 Subtlety Rogue using Singular. Around 205-220 K/H (< Estimating). Thank you for such a great profile my good sir.
Gave me this error: So I went into the file and removed the FindVendorsAutomatically part, here's updated profile.
Very very nice profile. after 7 hours of usage profile received more than 30 keys, without the use of potions luck
lovely profile. Ilvl 506 Retri pala 6 hours run time, 254 kills/hr - 1 death/hr 62 keys 5 skyshards Way to many greens Unlucky i forgot potion :/
This profile is not working. When you load it shows errors and when run, it says it does not contain any quests.