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  • Looking to start botting, have some questions

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by bobbo443, Nov 6, 2014.

    1. bobbo443

      bobbo443 New Member

      Nov 6, 2014
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      Hello All!! I am looking to begin botting and have some questions.

      1) What class should I make? I am going to use the level 90 boost to level myself a character. I am currently drawn between a DK, Monk, Hunter or Druid....

      2) While botting, should i create my professions as mining and herbalism and just go gather? Or am i better off finding an area to run around and kill crap to collect BoE's to sell/disenchant?

      3) Whats the best way to be safe? I read up on this and the biggest thing i took away is to bot during normal hours that trend to my account.

      I am looking forward to starting and can't wait to get back on and read the responses. Thanks so much for you time and input!!
    2. Proletar

      Proletar Member

      Jul 29, 2012
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      1) Depends on what you are planning to do.. DK's are good for instance farming - Druid's are good for herbs/minning
      2) Figure out what would yeld you the most gold on your server
      3) Nothing is safe, but you can take your precautions. Tony made a good thread: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...-reports/104-guide-account-safe-anti-ban.html -Also you will find plenty of conspiracies on this forum, but no one really knows anything and are often just people guessing. My advice: Act as human as possible and NEVER bot on something you are not ready to lose.

      Happy botting
    3. bobbo443

      bobbo443 New Member

      Nov 6, 2014
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      Thanks so much! I guess I will start with a DK? I was thinking about gathering to sell on the AH then run dungeons to sell loot. Hopefully I can figure out how to get this thing up and running!!
    4. JessxD

      JessxD New Member

      Nov 6, 2014
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      I just do multizone gather the supplies. I get like 90k to 100k just on my one sole character. Gets me really fancy dinner without much work.

      1. Pick a class you love so you will be inspired to do better. Do it for the love first, money come after.

      2. Again, pick something you like, you will learn. Like in real life must go to 10th grade before 11th grade. there are levels

      3. Safe? Make your own plan and not psot and ask, because you will create a huge follower and now your plan will be over used. It like a overused and run down disposable cup, you don't want it and it sticks out of the crowd.
      Last edited: Nov 6, 2014
    5. bobbo443

      bobbo443 New Member

      Nov 6, 2014
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      thanks :D, now to search forums on how to actually run some programs and download them :D:D
    6. JessxD

      JessxD New Member

      Nov 6, 2014
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      YW, what makes us different from bots and all other animals is we have imagination. We have such power and skill, even potential, but we can and will reach it as long as we use our imagination.

      Some people say they can't write, because they have never written before. What I mean is yes some people do "write", but they don't put the hours into it so its not really writing. Proficiency is only earn and achieved after hours and hours of hard work with practice. Practice makes perfect.

      I don't share how exactly I make my gold, not because of greed, but because it's not feasible.

      Think about it, if someone could make $1,000,000 per day, do you think they will tell you it for $10 or a $100? Or even for free? The answer is no.

      You find something and explore, uncharted waters where no one or the competition it low you can monopolize and profit big.

      If all the public methods were profitable, why isn't everyone quitting their jobs to use public methods to survive?

      In the end a real human being would not copy others, but imagine try try try until they succeed and show themselves from the pack.

      Uniqueness is a trait of a real person, you need to embrace it in the bot. If you do the same thing its called a pattern and makes you suspicious.
    7. bobbo443

      bobbo443 New Member

      Nov 6, 2014
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      I am searching all over the forums and youtube and cannot figure out for the life of me how to actually use a profile that i desire. is there any direction someone could lead me to? please :( im so excited to start and im too stupid!
    8. lotrodude

      lotrodude Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      First, you need to buy a license from Bossland. I recommend that you buy several so you can bot more than one account at a time. Perhaps you could begin with about 200 licenses from Bossland, hire about 15 people to help you run your bots (3 shifts of 5 people per 8hrs to bot 24 hrs per day). Get a loan from the bank and buy 20 computers to run 10 sessions on each computer. You will be set up to rake in some serious cash!

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