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  • Map Issue after HB (Test) Usage

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Monroe123, Dec 4, 2010.

    1. Monroe123

      Monroe123 New Member

      Nov 28, 2010
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      Hey guys

      First post and I'm sorry to say it is in here. It maybe the wrong forum, and if it is I apoligise. I purchased HB about a week ago. Unfortunetly this was just as the world blew up, so I am yet to use HB in any form. But like the rest of you have been waiting in anticipation for the new release.

      When i saw the HB(Test) version was released I downloaded and gave it a whirl with a couple of profile's I had picked up from Horde (60-70). However to my dismay I couldn't get it work, as i have read alot of people are having issues. I don't mind I can be more than patient for a full release, When i clicked download I agreed to it being a "Test" release which would have bugs. Thats not the issue.

      I then logged on to a different toon to play manually, but my map is now messed up. Usually you have the quest numbers on your minimap telling you where to go. However When i open the map/click on one of these I get errors. I asked Blizz this morning and they suggested the usually things like delete the WTF, Interface and Cache folders. If this does not work use the "Repair" utility. After doing the above I am still receiving the error, as this only started after I started HB for the first. This maybe more than a coincidence, So i thought i would run it past you guys, before I have to go through the lengthy task of reinstalling WoW.

      Any Help/Advice would be appreciated. If it is in the wrong forum, i apoligise and ask kindly if a Moderator would move it to the relevant forum.

      Thanks =o)
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      nothing to do with Hb
      Honorbuddy doesnt touch the WoW files(like edit them or something)
    3. khurune

      khurune Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Check for viruses and malward, and also delete your interface folder aswell as the WTF folder, start wow launcher, leave it 5mins to download some new interface files. Then run wow. Should fix any issue with wow, short of a reinstall that is.
    4. japha123

      japha123 New Member

      Nov 16, 2010
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      its your addon carbnite hade the same problem
    5. Monroe123

      Monroe123 New Member

      Nov 28, 2010
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      Thanks for the speedy replies guys, much appreciated.

      Ok nice to hear it has nothing to do with HB. It must be a residue file left over from one of my Addon's.

      As mentioned before I have already deleted the WTF, Interface and Cache files. But looks like one of my previous addon's has messed with the orignal files which it can't repair. So will probably require a reinstall =o(

      Bad times!
      Last edited: Dec 4, 2010

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