Hello, Recently i expanded my botting experience and instead of 1 single bot im currently using 8. The first weak when i expended i just used 5 bots evrything went smooth. When later i go 3 other bots running with a total of 8 i started to experience some small like spikes sometimes and evry ~4 hours 1 single wow client crashed never multiple accounts just 1 single client so i always have 7 clients up. my cpu is around 95% when running:8x wow client(lowest settings), 8x hbuddy, battlenet app&Vpn progam. I'll probably just need a small boost to have them all running without crashes. My computer has 550 watt and i attach a file for some other pc stats. All the help is appriciated
I know you dont' mention any memory issues, but I'd recommend cleanmem anyways as it helped me with wow crashing/going unresponsive. For $5 you can't go wrong You can google "lower than low" settings to use a macro to lower the settings even further, that may buy you a few % on your cpu. Also you can try using OpenGL instead of directX 9 or 11 and see if you get a few extra FPS and a few % lower cpu usage. Trial and error is the best medicine
Hey, thanks for the quick respond unfortunatly im not a big fan of those cleaning programs always had bad experiences with it. The macro u linked seems realy great but im always playing my main account on this computer and sometimes need to swap and i want to have my main account in high settings. Opengl i never heard of it i read a litle bit about just a minute ago but i prefer to stay at directx.
Why ask for help if you are going to avoid using any of the advice? All three things that he listed are great ways to lower CPU usage. Memclean is a must have if you are running that many bots. I'm running 8gb of ddr3 and running eight bots and Memclean took me from 100% RAM usage to 50%. The "lower then low" macros make a huge difference and will only affect the client in which you apply them in. Meaning that it wont affect the settings of your main account unless you apply the macros to it.