This is my first attempt at a profile, farms turtles in Valley of the Four Winds 525-550 then you'll have to switch to the second profile which will farm Scorpids and Yaks up to 600. Use Botbase GRINDING. I am working on the profile still but want some other testers. Please post results and/or problems and I'll update! You do need to manually get your character to the locations marked on the maps. Thanks for trying my profiles!
Worked fine for me, however there are 2 notes: 1. The second area in dreadwates require 560 to skin, so you need to get to that level in first area. 2. In dreadwastes, the loop is broken. The bot is not taking a round cycle, it just skin for a while then end up at a point and stay there forever, and I have to take him back to an area with skinnable mobs manually for it to resume, and eventually end up to the same state, rinse and repeat. The poster above probably does not have the "Skin mobs" check box enabled in the general settings, that's why the bot is only "harvest mines" but is not skinning.
As hatemf said, it stops on a hill @ Hotspot, Loc: <-389.5811, 4723.22, 97.52394> Have to turn off, move back to start (ish) area and start again, loop not working