With the removal of the low level Orgrimmar to Blasted Lands port, has anyone given any thought to a 'go the long way, do the quest, ride to the portal' questing profile? Problem: I have a fresh DK and i want to get to Outlands to do whatever fresh DK's do out there. Solution: Come to the forums, download the most recent [QO] profile. Broken: no profile available?
Since there is a direct portal from SW -> Outland in Stormwind Mage tower, i guess there is one in Orgrimmar somewhere also.
There is a portal in the Cleft of Shadows, next to the rogue trainer i believe. This takes you to the other side of the dark portal, in Hellfire Peninsula
checking this with the quickness, the original portal by the portal trainer in cleft of shadows is 90 only now.
you are totally right!! +internets for you, thanks so much. here is a screenshot with minimap for everyone else looking.