So I've been finding it really hard to find manually timbers to get work orders for my Lumber Mill, if anyone would be so kind to create a profile that would farm the timber (preferably multizone), My lumbermill is lvl 2, so large timbers won't do, but would be nice to get a smart profile. Thank you in advance
Pls enlighten me.. cuz i just had lumbermill 1, fount alot timber and didnt know what to do with it. 10 timber every 4 hours right? So what is the use of getting even more timber while i can just use 10 every 4 hrs?
You can do 10 timber work orders at lvl 1 like 10, you'll get garrison resources from the work orders. lvl 2 you can harvest Timbers and at lvl 3 Large Timbers. (basically increases the amount you can gather)