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  • Honorbuddy v2.5.12047.756

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by raphus, Nov 17, 2014.

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    1. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      Honorbuddy v2.5.12047.756

      New features:
        * Character Manager
          - AutoEquip will now log WoWHead links when it equips items to help with debugging (HB-1520)
        * Core
          - MailFrame.GetAttachments() will now fetch mail faster (HB-1244)
          - Added a Fps property to the WoWClient class. This returns the FPS in WoW and is cached for one second. (HB-1458)
          - Added ReagentBankItems and ReagentBankItemGuids properties to LocalPlayer. (HB-1471)
        * DungeonBuddy
          - Added more states to the status bar, such as 'Doing vendor run' and more.  (HB-1225)
        * ProfessionBuddy
          - 'GetItemFromBank' and 'PutItemInBank' actions can now withdraw from and deposit to the reagent bank respectively. 'GetItemFromBank' can now withdraw items by category (HB-1483)
        * QuestBehaviour
          - ProfileCompatibilityInfo: No longer considers the TukUI addon to be problematical. (HB-1001)
          - ProfileCompatibilityInfo: Now emit ids for zones, subzones, items, quests, etc. (HB-1264)
      Api Changes:
          - Added WoWAuction.Index, BattlePetSpeciesId and BattlePetSpecies (HB-1250)
          - SpellManager.CanCast now works properly for spells that can be cast while moving (HB-1302)
          - Removed LootTargeting.AlreadyHarvested, AlreadyLooted and AlreadySkinned. They are not used anymore. (HB-1319)
      Bug fixes:
        * Core
          - Fixed an issue where HB would sell the left most bag (HB-1356)
          - Added a BotEvents.PreBotStarting event which supports changing of the current bot before the bot starts. (HB-1286)
          - Updated protected items for WoD (HB-1504)
        * DungeonBuddy
          - Stormstout Brewery: Fixed a couple issues that caused tank to idle at Ook-Ook (HB-1409)
          - Vortex Pinnacle: Slipstreams are once again taken after killing boss (HB-1410)
          - The Gate of the Setting Sun: Mobs that are in combat with bot and stuck on wall above Raigonn are now ignored. (HB-1416)
          - Blackrock Depths: Fixed a corpse run mesh issue (HB-1418)
        * Other
          - Updated protected items for WoD (HB-1543)
        * ProfessionBuddy
          - TrainAction no longer mistakenly stops bot because of NPC does not provide a train gossip option (HB-1441)
          - Fixed a bug where the 'Load Profile' action would fail after stopping and restarting HB. (HB-1447)
          - InBagCount will now once again only count the number of items in player's bags. InBankCount would no-longer include items in the reagent bank. Added a new 'InReagentBankCount' function which returns the number of items in reagent bank. Added a new 'GetIngredientCount' function which returns the number of ingredients that are in the player's possession. (HB-1459)
        * QuestBehaviour
          - ProfileCompatibilityInfo: Repaired issue with mount report not handling 'summoned mounts', (HB-437)
          - KillUntilComplete can now use HuntingGrounds and a PursuitList to specify targets (HB-548)
          - DoWhen: Now emits a fatal error message if the provided user-defined expression causes problems when it is evaluated. (HB-1432)
          - ProfileCompatibilityInfo: No longer has problems with mounts names from non-English locales. (HB-833)
          - Added a 'Avoid' hook type QB which can be used to avoid harmful effects (HB-1501)
        * Questing
          - Fixed an issue where the bot would fail to check the blacklist when looting game objects. (HB-1449)
          - Additional information is now printed to log when an unexpected quest is shown while turning in a quest. (HB-1461)
          - QuestBot no longer tries to turnin or pickup quests while a cinematic is playing. (HB-1493)
          - HB should now be able to do quests underwater again (HB-1523)
        * Singular
          - Fixed lag and fps drop encountered in Battlegrounds (HB-1337)
          - Fixed in Singular 4.0.3899 (HB-1335)

      [SIZE=+1]Reporting Bugs[/SIZE]
      Please report confirmed HBcore bugs to THIS thread!
      When reporting a bug, please include your full log file (found in your bot folder under the "Logs" directory, sort by creation date to find it easier), a full and detailed explanation of the bug, as well as any screenshots or profiles that may be useful in tracking down the bug.
      Here are other threads where it may be appropriate to report your problem, instead of here:

      Honorbuddy: Installer (recommended) / Zip

      Honorbuddy Deutsche Version: Installer (recommended) / Zip
      → For German users, this Honorbuddy client must be used—the other Honorbuddy version(s) will not work for you. ←
      Ref: Honorbuddy Deutsche Version - Pressemitteilung

      Honorbuddy Asian Version: Installer (recommended) / Zip
      → For Asian users, we suggest using this client as it connects to our HK auth servers which results in faster login time and consistent connection ←

      The Buddy Dependency Wizard will install these requirements for you, if needed.
      Of course, you are welcome to install them manually if so inclined.

      [SIZE=+1]Thread Management Rules[/SIZE]
      Posts that have been archived from this thread are available here:
      Posts are archived according to the following rules:

      • Posts that have received a response from the Bossland GmbH staff are archived.
        Do not assume that because your post was archived, it means we don't care.
        We are simply keeping this thread clean.
      • This thread is for confirmed HBcore bug reports only.
        You should have tried to resolve your problem using the Support forum, first.
        If the Support forum can't resolve your issue, they will ask that you report the problem here.
      • We will only look into bugs reported against the version of Honorbuddy represented by this thread.
        Bugs reported against any other Honorbuddy releases (including Betas) will be archived immediately without comment.
      • Bug reports without FULL, unedited logs attached will be immediately archived without comment.
      • Either report bugs properly, or do not report them at all.
        We cannot look into bugs that have little to no information.
        Bugs reported in such a fashion will be immediately archived without comment.
      • If you wish to submit a feature request to this thread, please make certain it is not already covered.
      • This is not a discussion thread.
        If you derail this thread, you will be muted for up to 30 days. No questions.
      • Archiving may not be immediate, but occur every few days.

      Last edited: Nov 18, 2014
    2. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      [SIZE=+1]Currently Known Bugs[/SIZE]
      • HB-750: AutoEquip is not considering socket bonuses on gear
      • HB-843: Prefer using flying mount when doing Vendor runs
      • HB-1323: Problem with Kill-form of <Objective>
      • HB-1325: HasItem() does not check for Items in the "invisible" WoD Bag
      • HB-1331: MyCTM fails to move if only "Z" value changes, causing profile termination
      • HB-1348: "Error Trying to Save Settings File" File Already Exists
      • HB-1353: Settings files are still being corrupted
      • HB-1361: Map changes/teleports/hearthing cause GreyMagic errors
      • HB-1391: AutoEquip does account for gem stats
      • HB-1395: Singular throwing exceptions when Priest tries to use Lightwell in dungeons
      • HB-1423: ProfessionBuddy taking an excessive amount of time to cancel auctions
      • HB-1425: Druid Cat Form Spamming on/off
      • HB-1470: DungeonBuddy: Lost City of Tol'vir: Getting knocked roof off while fighting Siamat
      • HB-1524: AutoAngler: Allow use new Draenor Lures and Baits
      • HB-1529: AutoAngler: Updating to Draenor fishing attire
      • HB-1538: Problems Collecting with Collect-form of <Objective>

      [SIZE=+1]Singular-specific issues[/SIZE]
      After a discussion with Bobby53, we are no longer capturing issues here against Singular. Bobby53 has a very thorough and efficient work flow that is independent of the HBcore bug tracking process. We will just need to give him time to 'catch up' to the changes imposed by WoD. He is well aware of all the issues that people have been reporting, and just needs time to address them.

      [SIZE=+1]Bugs in danger of being discarded, due to lack of details[/SIZE]
      • HB-1250: Add WoWAuction.Owner, and possible inclusion of BattlePetInfo
        "Is needed "Owner" not the same as PosterGuid, which is already there?
        We checked and adding Level and owner full name is not straightforward at all, both of them requiring several offsets to properly retrieve (and therefore maintenance). What is the actual usage scenario for these variables and why can they not be retrieved with Lua?

        We're still looking at the battle pet info things, but they will probably be added."

      [SIZE=+1]Awaiting Confirmation[/SIZE]

      [SIZE=+1]Cannot reproduce[/SIZE]
      Bugs marked as "cannot reproduce" are usually due to problems with your particular Honorbuddy installation. For instance, third-party products that are not working correctly—you should disable Buddy Store streaming for all products. Another cause is interference from external programs or addons. Your best way to recovering from this always starts with a clean install.
      If you continue to experience problems after conducting a 'clean install', and disabling the streaming of all products from the Buddy Store, you should seek help in the Support forum with your log that captures the issue.

      • HB-1162: Siege of Orgrimmar, The Underhold (wing3): Problematic pathing to Malkorok
        "Unable to reproduce. User may need to clear mesh files."
      • HB-1429: Dungeonbuddy stuck/path issues
      • HB-1453: Mesh issue with Gnomeregan elevator (starting area variant)
        "Unable to reproduce. Leveled a gnome to level 4 (almost 5) without incident. After that we made a simple profile with two MoveTos inside a While loop that had the bot use elevator like 50 times, never once did it get stuck."

      [SIZE=+1]Not a Bug / Won't fix / Overcome by Events[/SIZE]
      • HB-1240: Smarten up mob engagement while ground traveling?
        "The default target filters will not include mobs while mounted if player is moving and mob is grey or 'KillBetweenHotspots' to false.
        User needs to set KillBetweenHotspots to false
        It's possible that CR is including mobs to targeting"
      • HB-1263: WoD: Toon running into tree in Frostfire Ridge
        "We checked this location, and the mesh appears to be going around this tree. It was most likely repaired while addressing another mesh issue"
      • HB-1268: WoD: Mesh issue on pyramid in Tanaan Jungle (#2)
        "Original problem reporter has confirmed that it's repaired (as a side-effect of other mesh repairs)."
      • HB-1457: ProfessionBuddy crashes WoWclient on SwitchCharacter
        "User had framelock disabled."


      [SIZE=+1]Already repaired for next drop[/SIZE]
      • HB-1510: TakeNoPrisioners: Throws exceptions
        "Fixed an exception thrown in the quest specific QB, 'TakeNoPrisoners'. This QB has also been updated to use our latest QuestBehaviorCore and coroutine framework."
      • HB-1546: Honorbuddy Updater is not updating Protected Items.xml
        "This was intentional to not overwrite in case the user has local modifications. We have reversed that decision since the updates are crucial with the launch of WoD, and installing a .zip file would do this anyway. The user is now expected to keep a local copy in a safe location if he makes any modifications to Protected Items.xml.
      • HB-1547: Protected Items.xml: WoD Engineering updates
      • HB-1548: Reports of skinning fails with WoD skinnable mobs in v756 Honorbuddy drop
        "Skinning should be properly working again."
      • HB-1552: DungeonBuddy: Add Dungeon script for Bloodmaul Slag Mines
        "Script for Bloodmaul Slag Mines is now complete."

      • This release is not optimized for performance.
        Performance optimizations will be addressed after whittling down the severe bugs in our list of known bugs.

      • The bugs listed here are only a fraction of our bug work load.
        Many bugs we must address are internal, or not for public consumption.

      • The previous 'Known Bugs List' is here.

      • List of Honorbuddy Releases
      Last edited: Nov 18, 2014
    3. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      [SIZE=+1]Post dispositions[/SIZE]
      These posts have been archived for the reasons stated here.

      Problem should be resolved in the Support forum
      Your problem can probably easily be resolved with a clean install, and turning off the use of all third-party products—including all products from the Buddy Store. There is a strong chance the repair for your issue resides in the Honorbuddy:HelpDesk. However, if you are unable to resolve the problem using these resources, then by all means make a new post in the Support forum. And please, don't forget to attach your full, unedited log that captures the issue.

      Using third-party products that have not been updated for pre-WoD
      Once again, we draw your attention to the bright red letters in the first post that are easy to overlook

      Missing critical information (logs, screenshots, etc.)
      Your post may also be archived "without comment" for this reason. The posts listed here made an effort to report the problem, but the information provided was insufficient to create a bug report (e.g., wrong log, partial log, screenshot needed, etc)

      Didn't check the "Known Issues" list

      Log is not against the current release
    4. synntax

      synntax New Member

      Aug 16, 2011
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      Getting a malware alert for greymagic.dll
    5. botur

      botur New Member

      Sep 22, 2014
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      + 1
    6. Fgame

      Fgame Member

      Oct 2, 2014
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      In WOD after picking ore / herbs have the chance that there will be a monster, too, from which ore or herb drops, please do so with this monster was going to loot the default
    7. attilio76

      attilio76 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      May 26, 2010
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      same here
    8. homestos

      homestos New Member

      May 10, 2013
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      skinning dont work=\
    9. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      This on 1 machine with Avast! Free Edition.

      On the other still with 755 and its fine.
    10. synntax

      synntax New Member

      Aug 16, 2011
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      Ive dropped back to 755 till 756 gets updated or fixxed. 756 also has issues with skinning.
    11. glidarkatten

      glidarkatten Member

      Nov 5, 2010
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      Same here.
    12. cicilia

      cicilia New Member

      Aug 6, 2014
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      cant download from the link for some reason... + avast says you got a virus...
    13. blablub

      blablub New Member

      Dec 1, 2012
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      edit: nvm just happend with 96-98 profile
      Last edited: Nov 17, 2014
    14. Fgame

      Fgame Member

      Oct 2, 2014
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      Boat runs up to the node is stationary and does not collect it ... and this is repeated over and over again

      Attached Files:

    15. julze1990

      julze1990 New Member

      Jan 11, 2014
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      No Skinning at grinding ......!!!!!
    16. HBL0V3

      HBL0V3 New Member

      Oct 6, 2012
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      getting wowrederror spam at the vendor because its trying to vendor greens which apparently now includes quests from drops.
      Last edited: Nov 17, 2014
    17. Actionchip

      Actionchip New Member

      Nov 13, 2012
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      Same problem here.


      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Nov 17, 2014
    18. Spider

      Spider New Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      no alert here, if i load it.
    19. meso

      meso New Member

      Jan 29, 2011
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      I have a suggestion for honorbuddy ( i posted it here ) where i should go with this suggestion ? i don't want to do the wrong thing e.g. send a private message to bossland .
    20. nucleo

      nucleo New Member

      Mar 18, 2013
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      Nvm fixed it. If autoequip doesn't work properly you need to open up the CharacterSettings.xml and edit the settings manualy
      Last edited: Nov 18, 2014
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