I use the bot for combat automation, I play the actual content myself so efficiency is always a key is it not? I don't normally use Grind Bot as a healer, I've used it only to not get disconnected to not get into these insane queues and then I noticed something not working properly so I wanted to give feedback in order for the bot to improve, is that a bad thing?
I am using singular with Enyo botbase for questing. Is it possible to make it not dismount every time a mob aggro me? I tried the dismount melee range to 1 but still it dismounts no matter the distance a mob aggro me. I play Enhancement shaman. Thanks
Hello bobby, new aoe rotation info is now on icyveins for mm hunters: Against 2-6, you should simply perform your single target rotation on one of them, while making sure to use Kill Shot on any targets that are below 35% health, and to use Aimed Shot on any targets that are above 80% health. Use multishot in place of aimed for 7+ enemies. Also, singular doesnt seem to support lone wolf talent yet, where you have more damage without a pet as hunter.
Despertarlol, Thanks for the post. Everything is working as designed. The Pull More functionality is disabled during PVP and Instances/Raids. DungeonBuddy implements the strategy necessary for the combat scenario, so the ability to pull additional mobs should be implemented there. I will look at allowing the user to override this behavior and use Pull More at their own risk in Dungeons with the caveat that it is not something that I would be looking to tune for that environment. Any need to selectively enable/disable the ability within an instance will need to be controlled by the user with the exception of the existing tests for minimum health level and maximum number of mobs to fight at once. Thanks for the post, Bobby53
Class Config ==> General Tab ==> Allow Movement (set to None to disable movement). Alternatively setup and use a HotKey for this purpose via Class Config ==> Hot Keys
Raaz, Thanks for the post. Issue is not specific to Rogue or being Stealthed, but is most likely to occur in that case (or for Feral Druid.) Problem is being exactly 5 yds away from a mob that is stationary. Thank you very much for the log, fixed in next release, Bobby53
thatwouldbestealing, Thank you very much for the follow up. I appreciate the feedback, but the description is a bit vague. You mentioned being able to control adds and avoiding Dizzying Haze, but that doesn't really describe why in a specific case the use of Dizzying Haze was a problem. Happy to modify the behavior to automatically determine the need to cast or suppress the cast, but will need details as to the specific combat situation. Singular should just work without user configuration and utilize the best ability available at the moment. Disabling Dizzying Haze for Instances/Raids because it was at some point inadvertently cast or a prior version had a bug which caused it to be cast too frequently does not fall inline with that. Thanks again and I'll keep an eye out for any follow up, -Bobby53
Doug, The description is accurate. Singular reacts to you having Tier One / Talent Two, not the specific name. The name was provided to be helpful but was designed at a point where Talents had the same name for a Class regardless of Specialization. That changed with WoD. So while there are several names for the talent in that position, when output is generated to the log it reports the first one matching in its list. I'll fix this in an upcoming release, but as talent detection works correctly and it is only the reporting in the log which is misleading (but still identifying the correct talent position) it will be a lower priority for now. It sounds like a config file corruption issue, but based on the content of the log I can't be sure. Thanks for the follow up regarding the fresh install resolving, Bobby53
Tumbum, Thanks for the post. I will look at that further as it appears in the excerpt you copy/pasted the attempt to heal by Singular is made before being fully stopped. Is that correct or is the cast beginning and then being interrupted by movement? -Bobby53
For Retribution Paladin FlashOfLight, there is no check for selfless healer buff (instant cast flash of light at 3 stacks) to bypass the health percentage check, such as: StyxWoW.Me.HealthPercent <= 90 && StyxWoW.Me.HasAura("Selfless Healer", 3)
Level 100 hunter. How do I set pull distance to be lower? I'm trying to grind mobs for skinning in Nagrand and it keeps pulling everything it can see(pull more is disabled) and by the time it gets to looting and then skinning they're starting to despawn.
Anyway I can set it to kite out of AOE effects? Seems like this expansion there a lot of mobs that use AOE.
Would love the option to control Prayer of Mending settings on my shadow priest. Now that it has a cast time, its not very good for solo questing, but the CC has my spriest going in and out of Shadowform constantly to cast this.
You need to set: <GrindArea> <MaxDistance>40</MaxDistance> inside your grinding profile (that keeps the bot from targeting birds or other flying mobs and standing like a moron beneath them). Unfortunately that does not work with questing profiles (and/or i have failed to find a way to apply that there), mostly because they have multiple grind areas imho.
For the "Pull More" functionality it gets disabled on a Balance Druid because it's looking if the spell "sunfire" exists. Because they have combined Moonfire and Sunfire in to a single spell, if the Balance bar is over on the Arcane side, Sunfire won't exist and "Pull More" will get disabled. [13:54:34.914 N] (Singular) (Singular) Pull More: disabled for Druid Balance characters until [Sunfire] is learned Workaround: SingularRoutine.Behaviors.cs ================== else if (!SpellManager.HasSpell(needSpell)) { //allow = false; //Logger.WriteDiagnostic("Pull More: disabled for{0} characters until [{1}] is learned", TalentManager.CurrentSpec.ToString().CamelToSpaced(), needSpell); } Note: I have removed a few things from the log related to file paths when loading profiles. I have been using this profile: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...187660-96-sethekk-hollow-unknown-grind-5.html View attachment 18456 2014-11-19 07.51.txt
Hi Bobby, In movementmanager.Init() there is line: http://i.imgur.com/SoYAfv6.png Can you add "Enyo" to it? As T is the old name. And having quite a few posts about people complaining its behaving weird and move ...