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  • Hearthbuddy Project Update #1

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by pushedx, Oct 28, 2014.

    1. layg1990

      layg1990 New Member

      Dec 1, 2012
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      I do not understand how you get a 50% winrate with a basic hero deck. Last night I ran this for about an hour and a half, I first went 5-4, then ended at like 6-20. It was ridiculous. Even using Silverfish rush, the bot would still target the board more often than the hero, losing me many of the games. Today the last game I used it for was warlock basic deck vs mage, didnt attack the hero once until my last turn. Kept using hero spell and I did more damage to myself than the enemy hero did.
    2. layg1990

      layg1990 New Member

      Dec 1, 2012
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      I also think that they should get rid of whatever stops me from rolling over cards. Sometimes I don't even know what the hell a card does, and would like to read it so when I watch it, maybe I can learn as I see the bot do something, being able to understand which cards did what.
    3. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      A new post will be made very soon in light of recent events (expansion announcement, random bans).

      This is technically impossible.

      Either the bot has to play the game like a human would (which is what it'll be changed to do fully), using input actions so the targeting arrow is shown, card hovering can be done, and card playing looks more natural, or it doesn't, in which case, no card hovering, no target arrow, continued bot like appearance.

      Think of it like two people trying to play a game, using the same keyboard and mouse, but performing different actions.
    4. CaptainReynolds

      CaptainReynolds New Member

      Nov 15, 2014
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      Will this new version be available soon? If not can you just release a version with the targeting update only, and push back the rest of the features? I don't really feel comfortable buying more than a trial version of the bot when I'm likely to get banned within a week.
    5. janusznazir

      janusznazir New Member

      Jun 28, 2014
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      I hope you guys update it quick because ban hammer is near
    6. runittwiice

      runittwiice New Member

      Mar 7, 2014
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      You know it's actually a pretty fun game to play yourself..unless you just want to farm gold portraits..
    7. janusznazir

      janusznazir New Member

      Jun 28, 2014
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      its better fun to play with all cards
    8. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      This is exactly the plan, and all our time is being spent right now preparing a build that does this to replace Release. :) A post will be made soon(TM) about the changes and the new Beta plan once everything is ready.
    9. janusznazir

      janusznazir New Member

      Jun 28, 2014
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      Are there any plans of AI update on "old" bot ? Because AI isnt even near the good state, or you just plan update AI only in updated project ?
    10. qzmicro

      qzmicro Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      I doubt they are going to waste their time updating the old code when they need to compile a whole new one.

    11. canadianbacon

      canadianbacon New Member

      Nov 18, 2014
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      Sorry.. but feeling a bit lost. I purchased the product feeling that it was different than hearthcrawler.. and the chance to get banned would be slimmer. I really don't want to get another account banned. Can you keep us up to date with ETA's on when the new release will be coming? I get things are being worked on, bugs being fixed.. people working on the alpha releases. Just some feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'm using the app on such a limited basis now.. as I'm sure a lot of people who are just as cautious are.

    12. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      Hearthbuddy itself is not detected. If it was, we'd also have suffered a large ban wave, and these forums would be flooded with ban reports in the same way seen elsewhere.

      However, there's certain aspects of Hearthbuddy that make it stand out as a bot, and those are being addressed first and foremost. My post was made to assure users we're on top of it, and are working towards making the changes necessary to avoid those issues. This was acknowledged before the ban waves though, and was us letting users know we're going to be making some big changes in the near future. Hawker added me to the project in October to help out, and I've been helping out since.

      It's unfortunate the bans came, and people are a lot more jittery about botting now, but my post should go to show we were already making preparations and progress before anything happened, rather than waiting for something to happen, and then respond. The bans and expansion announcement have caused us to have to change our current plans and time table for what we want to do.

      Botting is never safe, and there's no way we can prevent people from getting banned who excessively bot, and expect they can get away with it in a Blizzard game. However, there is a lot of things we can do better to avoid the bot from looking like a bot, and those things are being worked on as we speak.

      There's no ETAs other than "as soon as possible", literally. A new thread detailing exactly what will be happening, as well as the current changes will be made soon still, right when a user testable version of a modified Release is ready. I can't give ETAs or the current plan, because those things are changing daily based on what we need to do, and are able to actually do to address the most important issues at hand now.

      Right now, the final preparations are being made for a user testable version that changes the way the bot plays the game. It's not very polished, and there's a lot of things that need to be changed, but those changes would further delay users being able to use it by too much. When you're going in one direction full steam, and then have to change directions to respond to something else happening, you have to make a lot of decisions as to what gets included, and what doesn't. There's a lot of things that I'd like to get included, which just aren't possible right now.

      All this will be explained in a new thread that will accompany the new Release version (Beta). I would really like to have everything setup and ready for user testing tomorrow, or Friday, but we'll just have to see if we can realistically reach those goals. While what we put out won't satisfy me in terms of what's seen, hopefully users will see enough improvements to have confidence we're heading in the right direction and are committed to the project.
      Touch likes this.
    13. 666

      666 New Member

      Aug 22, 2013
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      Awesome news,

      Keep up the good job guys. We run private servers for various game and i feel you on the "things change so fast" part. One day everything is fine and the day after things need to be changed.

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