Cleaned out all vstudio and .net anything, compeltely removed HB. Reinstalled .net 451 and vstudio x86 rebooted Reinstalled HB rebooted Added it to my (disabled) windows firewall I don't even have MSE so nothing to add to there. Anyway, here is my last log: View attachment 6632 2014-11-18 21.17.txt
check your anti-virus that its not removing or blocking access to honorbuddy files. reDownload the latest version of honorbuddy. Then do a clean install into a new folder. Do not reinstall over a previous installation or move items from the old installation into the new one.
Yup, completely disabled AVG, uninstalled HB, rebooted, installed to new folder on a different drive (just for good measure) and same error. Gonna completely uninstall AVG (even though it hasn't popped up or anything) and that should remove all virus protection. I'll edit this reply if it works. Edit: fucking AVG, it never popped up, nothing, but uninstalled it, rebooted, installed HB2 into a 3rd location (for the hell of it) and it works now, also my pc loaded my crap SUPER fast compared to before, fucking AVG, swear to God, the viruses you might get are way worse than the anti virus crap. Thanks for helping