So I've been poking around a bit and I'm trying to figure out the best way to sell gold without getting caught. I've read the whole "make a new account and a guild bank" thing but what about for 50k transactions where I'm only going to get 25$, spending 20$ for a new wow account wouldnt make sense. How are people selling gold in 10-100k transactions? Is the auctionhouse a low banrate? What about face to face? Does anyone have any insight on selling about 100kg off of an account without getting banned? Discuss your methods and success/failures here! Thanks!
I've been botting 24 hours per day since the expansion released on 10 accounts. No problems here. OBVIOUSLY when asking such a vague and repeated question, YMMV.
On my auctioning/bank toon I would log in with a different IP adress and invite/Promote the trusted buyer to guild. I would then give him a rank where he could withdraw the exact amount of gold I was selling. He would take the money and leave the guild. I had an auto guild inviter with a bunch of low levels using guild repairs to hide the transaction. Never got banned. I used a different IP adress because I didn't want that account associated with my other farmers and shufflers. If this explanation is against the rules here I apologize and will remove it.