As the title says, Happens with every grindbot, GB2 profile on every computer I use on every account. I have to completely close the HB program in order for it to start moving again. Which is usually every 5 minutes or so. Only posting 1 log since they always look the same with different spots. View attachment 2564 2014-11-23 13.33.txt
GB2 is for flying and gathering only, if you wish to use ground mount farming you need to use grind mode, and enable herbing and mining from your honorbuddy settings.
CodenameG do you ever bother to acually read what is being said. I SAID!!!! It does the same thing when using them in Grindbot!
from the log, its only shows you using GB2, so upload a log showing the issue with the grindbot. however you should be aware this area is still new so mesh issues are bound to happen.