Basic Information: It will farm for Eternal Water and Eternal Fire in Borean Thundra (Bor'Gorok Outpost) HORDE ONLY! Profit: Eternal Fire is worth around 15 gold and using this profile you get ~20 Eternal Fire / Hour. 300g / hour. Eternal Water is worth around 5 gold and using this profile you get ~11 / Hour. 55g / hour. All together you get ~350+ Gold / Hour. Features: Mailbox: Enabled Repair: Enabled Selling: Enabled Buying Food and Drink: Disabled (Leave a post if you need me to add it!) Avoid Mobs: Simmer and Churn is set to be avoided! Test Run Experience: It ran smoothly without any kind of problems, ran it over night and recorded the progress, gained 2400g. Map: Changelog: Code: - V. 1.3 Fixed the mailing and selling! - V. 1.2 Updated the profile with minor changes. - V. 1.1 First Released In Public! Download:
For users using this Profile they might find this Plugin I made a while ago useful, basically has the same function of a macro where it turns Crystallized into Eternals. I haven't used it with the latest HB but I think it should still be fine. Just saves bagspace converting the crystallized on the fly.
Keep in mind guys this is spot where lots of botters farm. i wouldn't suggest running any thing in that area afk. [video=youtube;GqzELLG_VFE][/video]
I know, but on some realm, there are none botters in that area, like on my realm, its constantly empty.
Seems to work pretty good except for one problem lol I left my bot afk running this profile and came back a few minutes later and it was swimming out to the ocean and was already becomeing fatigued