Attached are a few logs of me herbing recently. It will get a node, dismount (when not in combat, or if just one mob is attacking) and then never re-mount for 3-5 nodes before it finds out. I've noticed it happens more often as a boomkin, perhaps moonkin form? As resto, still same issue just not as often. my two questions are: 1) how do i make it mount when moving 2)I have the stables, is there a way to make it so i herb the node, and run away, even if under attack, since i can herb from my mount? View attachment 7940 2014-11-26 20.53.txt View attachment 7804 2014-11-26 04.08.txt any info on what im doing wrong would be fantastic.
attached are two singular logs, one from a hunter and a druid which are both experiencing the problem. Character will gather normally, and then dismount, run for maybe 5 mins without a mount, then re mount upon arriving the next node. my apologies it took so long to track some singular logs