Thats my 1st profile and he is not perfect. This profile do not support vendors and other functions just grinding orcs very good Tested on : 1. 645 Retro Pala 2. 635 Feral Druid (~230 Kills\h) with TuanHA Routine 3. 629 Mistweawer Monk ( in Crane stance ) with TuanHA Routine ~5h Stats -> 230g Gray items + ~450g Greens + 1 Boe Blue Dagger 609ilvl + Got invasion quest for Garrison + and ~ 5750 Rep to Frostwolf Orcs 1 non elite Orc = 5 Rep 1 = 15 Rep 1 Gun = 15 Rep Update : Forgot to say. This profile starts at Iron Siege Works ! Update v2 : Hotspots update Enjoy
Is there perhaps a specific area i have to be in? so far it has been killing a bunch of non-elites, and i see cannons riding around but no elites to be seen.. Am i in the right area?
hey, I started using your profile yesterday and I noticed that Singular(default combat routine) doesn't accept attacking the mobs there with the name enforcer if there aren't any other mobs nearby. My main is a Paladin so he just stands there, heals himself until another mob spawns nearby and starts attacking him first then the enforcer.If no mob is nearby he just dies after a while. Is there anything you can do about it? The following is what the bot log was ''saying'' about the enforcer
i think u need to setup ur combat routine. i have tested it on my friends , and they have lots of classes and one of them is a Paladin ( with Singular or TuanHA ) he doing good and we get every day new invasion and yesterday he get Bulwark shield ilvl 665 .
Works well for DK. I am getting 250-300 kills per hour, trying to spawn a damn garrison invasion! It wouldn't take me to the camp (you mentioned you have to go there). I am new to HB but know that the questing bot does take you places so I converted your's over. This will fly you over to ironsiege works and start grinding wherever you are. Not sure if there are any drawbacks to this versus grindbot so ymmv but should solve some issues with either epeople not running to the location or getting slightly offtrack (it starts attacking mobs to the south for some reason if you get going that way, they do not give rep) <HBProfile> <Name>[N] Ka1Sh1 Iron Siege Works Grind *Rep\Gold\Invasion*</Name> <MinLevel>98</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>101</MaxLevel> <MinDurability>0.2</MinDurability> <MinFreeBagSlots>2</MinFreeBagSlots> <MailGrey>false</MailGrey> <MailWhite>true</MailWhite> <MailGreen>true</MailGreen> <MailBlue>true</MailBlue> <MailPurple>true</MailPurple> <SellGrey>true</SellGrey> <SellWhite>false</SellWhite> <SellGreen>false</SellGreen> <SellBlue>false</SellBlue> <SellPurple>false</SellPurple> <TargetElites>true</TargetElites> <Vendors> </Vendors> <Mailboxes> </Mailboxes> <Blackspots> </Blackspots> <QuestOrder> <MoveTo X="5924.531" Y="2320.418" Z="184.3985" /> <SetGrindArea> <GrindArea> <RandomizeHotspots>true</RandomizeHotspots> <Factions>16 2111</Factions> <MobIds>85997 77945 77944 77940 78039 77939 78210</MobIds> <Hotspots> <Hotspot Name="Central Barrack" X="5924.531" Y="2320.418" Z="184.3985" /> <Hotspot Name="Left Barrack" X="5958.539" Y="2458.212" Z="234.5086" /> <Hotspot Name="Right Barrack" X="5859.638" Y="2172.394" Z="180.1442" /> <Hotspot Name="Upper Right Barrack" X="5965.814" Y="2121.698" Z="164.4997" /> <Hotspot Name="Center" X="6304.125" Y="2261.053" Z="186.8263" /> <Hotspot Name="Gladiator Arena" X="6311.622" Y="2346.604" Z="176.7468" /> </Hotspots> </GrindArea> </SetGrindArea> <GrindUntil Nav="Fly" Condition="Me.Level >= 9999" /> </QuestOrder> </HBProfile>