I currently have a level 23 Holy Paladin and I kind of want him to run around 6-10 dungeons a day is that safe for him to run that then continue on with the afk questing. I also was wondering if I could 80% afk him on dungeon as a healer? Thoughts?!!?
Not a good idea. DB's behavior is very obvious and it does stupid things fairly often, so you'll get reported quickly. Also, classic dungeons are overtuned right now, tanks are dying a lot, it's just not worth the trouble without RAF. Stick to questing.
if you use your own 5 man team its all fine but if you get 5 accounts you have to pay montly 50 60 euro on subscritions
There were some recent bans of 5 man HB teams running DB. You might want to check the ban section of the forums to see what went wrong.
Just curious, but what do you guys normally do when leveling characters? DB and Kick's questing profiles seem pretty slow for me. Would it be better to try BGs?
I dunno, I lvld a shaman, ele and resto in mixed mode quest and dungeonbuddy recently. Had no issues. Depends on what time of day I suppose. Prime time? Prob a bad idea. But I had no probs letting it run while I slept.
when did they fix it so you can run questing w/ dungeon buddy? i know you can run grind bot w/ dungeon buddy, but have never been able to run quest bot w/ dungeon buddy
It has been that way for a while now, at least it was when i clicked mix mode. If you want to get fancy, you can run PB and have that run mixed mode. That way you tell it to manage your AH every random(15,45) minutes. Then back to questing or dungeons.