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  • HB 64bit inquiry

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by klepp0906, Dec 6, 2014.

    1. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      Ya ya I know it's been covered and I know the answer is you will make it when "it's necessary".

      Now apart from the fact your millionaires and your patrons would love to have a better performing product not being motivation enough (which is another topic altogether), what defines "necessary"?

      Do you mean when blizzard no longer supports 32bit? This seems incredibly short sighted for folks as bright as the development team for two reasons.

      1) when blizzard pulls 32bit support, if you begin work then God knows how long honor buddy will be down to be reworked and arguably more importantly

      2) at some point (if not already) blizzard is going to begin profiling and taking a closer look at 32bit users as the vast majority of such are doing so for one reason only. As time passes this will only compound and get worse.

      So honestly, I can't be the only one curious as to what the plan is. It can't be to wait until support is pulled and it certainly can't be to wait until bannings pick up in frequency due to such considering how seriously the team takes account security.

      Just doesn't make sense to me and apart from unnecessary secrecy, I think letting your customers know a bit more detail similar to a development map isn't a bad thing.

      Perhaps I'm wrong. I'm a pretty far sighted and open minded person, and while I think many feel the same - in the end this is only my opinion.
    2. Jeval

      Jeval New Member

      Jan 28, 2013
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      Actually you are wrong on both points.

      Blizzard is unlikely to ever rewrite the source code of World of Warcraft to only support 64 bit clients.
      The simple fact is a great deal of the WORLD still uses 32 bit OSes. In fact if you want to get technical I could make a reasonable argument that most of their current player base world wide is still on a 32 bit client.

      It is what it is. Not everyone upgrades every few years. That is the fact of the matter and there really is no reason for the Boss team to rewrite the bot into a 64 bit client. It is a huge waste of time and resources that could be better spent on other problems and improvements to the bot.

      So to sum it up. Get over it, it is never going to happen.
      chinajade likes this.
    3. Gatherit

      Gatherit New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 28, 2010
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      I personally hate switching back and forth from dx11 to dx9 to run HB. It's a pain in the ass and the graphics look hideous. The game overall, perfoms better on dx11 anyway so I wish they would at least do something about that.
    4. mcphaidin

      mcphaidin Member

      Sep 11, 2014
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      wait, your supposed to run in DX9? I have DX11 and never have to swap to anything lower to run HB and I have my grafix set to ultra and it looks great with no lag from HB either.
    5. lazer1211

      lazer1211 Member

      Jul 10, 2014
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      runs fine with dx11 it's just x64 it won't work with.
    6. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Switching to DX9 is only needed for DX11 graphics drivers that have been incorrectly implemented.

      The problems mostly happen when manufacturers resort to 'optimizing for benchmarks'. Such techniques break compatibility with the DX11 spec in order to get a few extra FPS over their competitors. These techniques prevent Honorbuddy from working correctly, and why we tell people with such drivers to try and see if the DX9 drivers are implemented in compliance with the spec.

      Usage of DX11 vs DX9 is a problem unrelated to 32-bit / 64-bit.

      Last edited: Dec 6, 2014

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