Thinking of purchasing this routine because TuanHa Ultimate DK is not putting out the DPS in Unholy (~640 iLvl) that it should be. TuanHa is dealing ~14-15k DPS when I should be doing between 18-21k. Can anyone raiding in Highmaul with this routine please give me a rough idea of the DPS output this routine is putting out in Unholy?
not sure whats going on, i feel like the routine only interupts every now and again and idk if blood tap is causing this but the routine keeps trying to spam a skill to cast to where its not casting anything at all and ive noticed that im sitting at 12 charges of blood tap. I am also playing in blood spec
Known Issue, it is the drw. Already fixed on Testversion,and should be pushed today. I'll Look at the interrupt, but that's nothing that will be changed with the planned update
good to hear man, thanks for the update. btw if you dont mind me asking. are you taking over on this routine or is weisch still there?
Well ... Dunno? More Infos are needed. U bought the cr? U enabled the streaming for the cr? U have a legit copy of hb? Ur buddyauth from store is the Same that the hb key is assigned to?
Weischbier is in Hospital to fight the cancer. I'm doin the support for his Products as Long as it is needed. So no i'm Not taking it over, it will be still his stuff, his Products and so on,i'll leave the Threads as soon as he is back
the below update was pushed to the store, and is waiting for approval. this will fix some issues with blood, and an issue where the routine performed bad (all people that had "Something went wrong in [CastGroundSpell]" in their log) Update v1.0.1.52 All Speccs Added a check for IsCrowdControlled (Charmed, Polymorphed, Hexed, Frozen, Asleep, Shackled) Checking for crowd controlled units while doin some AOE-Spells (Defile, Death and Decay, Unholy Blight, Blood Boil) Raised the CastOnGround Timeout from 20ms to 125ms (Latency-Issues timed out the CastOnGround which stopped the routine from performing) Configuration form displays the Name of the Combatroutine to have it displaying something Blood - fixed a bug with Dancing Rune Weapon (was casted on ourself) - fixed a bug with Bone Shieldi (was casted when mounted) - changed some conditions from "&&" .... to "HasAnyAura" (more readable) - BoneShield has now a separate condition in combat, to have it only casted when no other cooldown is up - all defensive cooldowns are checking now if anotherone is up
Hi, I just bought this CR. When HB Starts it appears on the List in wich i can choose my CR - but i cant choose it. If I click on "Necrophilia....." and press [Select] nothing happens..the Window in wich i can choose my cr appears again.. Sry - English isn't ny native language Maybe some trouble with german Version ?!
i still feel that it ocationly gets hanged up on blood tap? i noticed that it keeps spamming when im at 12 charges and it dosnt use any. It does use it sometimes though to where it dosnt go all the way to 12 charges. im playing as a blood dk and i was testing this in a heroic dungeon
Why would you need a hot key for Defile? It's part of your normal rotation for both single and multi targets. It just needs to be adjusted so it doesn't cast when the mob has less than 15% health. Right now it's casting right after the mob dies. Weis knows about that tho.
Hi, just picked this up after trying the free trial. The options menu still looks the same as in the free trial and I'm not seeing many of the tabs shown in the screenshot in the store. Also, it doesn't seem to summon my ghoul automatically or use my racial abilities, summon gargoyle, or automatically interrupt bosses/trash with mind freeze. What gives? edit: It seems I have to press the hotkey to toggle on Interrupts and Cooldowns and that solves the problem of the gargoyle and interrupts, but it's not using my racial ability on cooldown and it doesn't automatically summon my ghoul when the routine starts. Any way to get it to do that?