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  • I feel lost!! Some days HB works and some days it does!!

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Msgoody, Dec 7, 2014.

    1. Msgoody

      Msgoody New Member

      Apr 18, 2014
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      I am not sure how to explain this but I am using Enyo to heal during dungeon and raid runs....yesterday was fine and good even but today it acts as if it doesn't have any profiles or info at all when I am selecting all of the same things. I am using TuanHAPaladinPublicRelease prolife and it will say it doesn't have questing routines or something along those lines. I have had HB for about 6 months and I feel like I have barely used it because of my understanding of the whole things. At times I think I have it going good and just in hours it's as if I never used it before. I have read and watched everything I can get my hands on in the forums to help me but I think I am going to have to give on this, and it upsets me because I paid for it.
    2. tasechi

      tasechi New Member

      Dec 4, 2014
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