used ghaleons settings for disc raid and I tweaked a bit was doing 40-42 on butcher 32-40 on other bosses.. 11 man with and under geared under skilled shaman
Hi, I cant play only one spec because this is a Paid CR and must perform for best in every spec. I try some pug ad holy and with the new rev 2.2.9 my mana is ok and healing too. PS: REV 2.2.9 is live if you like to test the new settings. Holy/Disci: Moved NPC healing out of SPECIAL section and put in a new config section: NPC_HEALING Introduced a new option in NPC_HEALING section named "FullSelectedNPC": when HealNPC is enabled if you enable olso this option then CR will try to full the selected friendly NPC you target (use in some encounter boss like spore) --> need feedback pls!! Holy: Introduced a new option to disable autobuild of serendipty in RAID that consume too much mana (the option is named "FlashVSNormalHealPlayerNumberEnabled" that is enabled by default, so disable in raid) Shadow: Add option Hotkey to PAUSE CR. ALL: Fix some Pause CR issue.
raised flash heal 45.. turned off all non pve/healing options ie sear ect.. (dont know if these things matter.. also turned on priority tank heals.. and sos 45 enabled and raised..
I am having a problem with atonement healing. It was working fine, however now I can’t get it to attack the boss. So I am not using my pet for mana. I have downtime where I am not casting, low on mana and cool down is ready for my mana pet. So for fun I downloaded the settings for dis priest “which is what I am” and tried running a raid with that. However I am really low on healing which has not been the case for me “still spend a lot of time standing, doing nothing”.
sorry but you're too vague in your descriptions: 1) witch boss? 2) what do you mean you dont atonement attacking? Is atonement enabled? 3) witch profile used? 4) log file? 5) Basebot config? (hardlock enabled?) Describe exactly your problem pls
Has anyone been able to do Skyreach CM on Disc w/ this? Araknath just destroys. 630ilvl after entering (636 outside). Few people in the group requested more shields on other people but I'm not entirely sure how to tweak the bot to do that. If you have been able to heal this as a disc w/ this CR please post the settings file you used to do it and any other information I might need to know. It's frustrating
Put them on people yourself. here you a mouseover macro "/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][]Power Word: Shield"
when questing as shadow, quite often i find myself out of shadowform. usually after it came out of shadowform to heal... and sometimes it just doesn't ever go back into shadow unless i do it manually.
Hey Attilio, I found that CR disc casts 2 shields on tank is not actually continuously, 2 shields always cast after buff disappear, can you make CR add 2 shields buff when 1 second the tank's previous shields off? that means always shielded. English is not my mother language, hopefully you can read it. thx!
if you enable tu cast flash heal after combat end then for sure your priest lose shadowform for cast healing. The CR must return after healing end on shadowform, anyway the most important is the cr will go on shadowform before pull or when combat start. the shield depends at what value you set the tank HP: for continuous shiled (rememeber weakned aura) you can set 100% PWS ON TANK and% 100 Clarity on tank
Hey Attilio, what settings would you recommend for the proving grounds as Discipline? Tried to do it the "usual" way so combat bot + your paid CR (having targetted one of the mobs) but it doesn't seem to heal the party members there, any advice? It works great if you're in the dungeon but this CR doesn't seem to detect PG setup
Tuesday night, I will be doing another live stream of raid and people can see first hand how this CR does in a raid. We start at 12am EST Twitch
In provingrouynd you dont have player to heal but NPC so you MUST enable NPC_HEALING. CR has some option for heal NPC so just read first page of this thread and you will find in second post default settings for provinground. Just download it and load in CR settings. After you start Provingground just put the warrior tank as your focus: CR will recognized him as main tank to heal.
After 3 days trial I just bought it Now I only need to go to 100 hehe (currently 97)! Once 100, what do you recommend to start healing with? Holy or Disc? Who is better on low gear? EDIT: also, are you going to implement a "force combat" option? So the bot start the combat when we target an attackable enemy?
ATM discipline seems perform better, but holy is good too. You just need only to tune your settings a little. in first page of this thread, second post i posted some default config (you can use and modify there). A "force combat" is not in my todo list now.