I am looking for a fishing profile for WOD fish. i recently joined a new raiding guild on a new server and im looking to get my professions up, my fishing is level 1, and id like to get it to 700 in WOD zones. i have no preference to what fish i get, only that it is in a secluded place does anyone have some choices of what profiles/plugins i should get for simple fishing.. i will clean bags and such by hand if needed
Hi all, Im having issues with my Auto Angler / Fishing in WoD with my new HB and the problem is as follows :- Please HELP !
im nwbie. using autoangler is good. sometimes 1-2 hours fish botting. But bewaring catching from blizzard. I like fishing, and noone can 5-6 hours fishing at one session manually. I prefer botting 1-2 hours or supervising and manually arrange your bags.
Not totally true.....i've botted fish for 72+ hours straight before. But 1-3 hours is a smart amount.