Instant took 2200 in 3swith this routine. Very impressive! simply amazing hahaha And if i change to pve. I outdps most of my guildies in raid (WITH PVP GEAR XD)
I just purchased this today. I plan on running Unholy spec. Is there somewhere I can see a list of recommended talents and glyphs to use?
Is there a toggle or any other type of logic for Desecrated ground and escape artist (racial) that im just not seeing? If not can we get logic added for this?
Hi, I wanted to say that I love the product. I came really close to hitting 2.2k with unholy. I have 2 suggestions that would really push this bot above and beyond in arenas. First should be a better dispel feature using icy touch especially against priests which are in almost all the high rated. 2nd would be a better burst feature, Breath of Sindragosa is some of the best damage but it doesn't seemed to be used right with this bot. The dk's armor bonus makes the burst damage crazy and that is what will win almost any arena I feel like. After dark transformation there could be a death and decay down, then use gargoyle and any trinkets or racials for extra damage, then use breath of sindrogosa with a good amount of runic power and use asphyxiate and remorseless winter or desecrated ground same time, then you could even follow up with plague leech into 2 death siphons and empower rune weapon to just keep singragosa going the entire time. If you could make this feature I feel it would be the best bot there is for getting glad.
You just posted excatly what I wanted to post, it would be great if you also could in a function to prepare for the burst, hotkey etc so it can stack up runic power before burst to make breath of sindragosa make as much damage as possible. I would also like a better use of defile in rbgs since np is shit after the hotfix. Also if you could give the ccs a little more options so you can control them a bit more it would be great. Other than that great routine, good rotation etc the only thing missing atm is the above. One more question the AOE mode? I suppose it's for RBG's how do I know if its turned on. I made a hotkey for enable/disable aoe mode and pressed it when doing nothing at the start of the bg but I find nothing in the log output that says it's turned on etc, and don't really notice any difference in the rotation no blood boil etc, I have to spread manually. Is it me who do something wrong or havn't it just been fully implented yet.
It seems like most people are playing Necrotic Plague. Is Sindragosa's Breath really good in arenas? Or it's just a big PvE cooldown?
Its good if you want to do more burst (because you will do more short term dps using 2 dot effects plus breath every 2 min vs. only 1 necrotic which you have to wait for stacks to build up and they can also be dispelled) and are not facing a comp that can very easily spam an instant dispel on your breath (ie warrior). That being said there is not currently a logic for breath in glad suit that will use breath on burst (which i find very odd...)
Nope breath of sindragosa is the only option in arena, defile is good for RBG. Nerotic Plauge (np) after the hotfix is shit it does less damage then normal dots so it's useless. Everyone using np? ppl with no awarness use np. Here for example rank 1 dk in europe no np here: Volkovitch @ Archimonde - Community - World of Warcraft Im talking about UNHOLY now!! for FROST nerotic plauge is still useful. Simple if your specced unholy you go breath, if frost go either breath or nerotic plauge for arena.
Don't know if it's only the site's updates that hasn't been updated but it says none of the CR have been updated in a month and a half. Buddy Store stuff?
Yeah we stopped updating the changelog on the site since the store already provides one without needing an account.
One thing ive noticed happening a lot, which is something I think is really worth noting. Is that in between arenas, on the score screen the bot trys to SPAM abilities. This is extremely botlike. As no human player decides to cast abilities over and over again once the arena has finished. Secondly, I agree with the above post. Icy touch isnt being used properly at all. There are currently heaps and heaps of disc priest and feral druid teams. Currently the bot can not 1v1 a feral druid, simply due to the fact that it doesnt dispel preds swiftness. And it improperly uses it, if at all, against disc teams or just any team requiring constant dispels. Another thing ive noticed it doing, is prioritising using chains of ice over dpsing. And the bot spams CoI on all un cc'd targets. There is a hotkey for this. If we want to use it we can use the doesnt have to occur on its own. I also agree with most comments above that the usage of Breath of Sindragosa is poor and doesnt utilise it very well at all.
Why does it matter if it tries casting abilities when on the score screen? It's not like you are going to stream while using the CR. I already added a custom spell ID list for dispels with with icy touch on the beta and it will be in the next update. There you will be able to define what you want to have dispelled. If you don't like the COI, disable the COI healers/dps setting. Should be under defensive if I remember correctly. I agree with Breath of Sindragosa. It was added to the CR right after release and it seemed very underwhelming at that time but I guess the other talents aren't really that great either. Since it's quite a long CD I think I'll add a pool runic power/runes key that will prepare bursting for either with or without breath. I'll have to see how good that will be though
Thank you Toizi for getting back to us, when do you think that icey touch update will be implemented into live. And yea apparently Breath is Sindragosa is something viable.