Thats an amazing profile... The only one what i miss is mining there are a lot of coductors... Nice job!
Pull more is under class settings, first tab - about 1/4 of the way down. It will have a number next to it, mine is always at 3 on Singular CR. But I am using TuanHa as a CR, it keeps me alive better
XP/HR: 0 Kills: 3191 (233/hr) Deaths: 14 (1/hr) Loots: 3111 (227/hr) Honor Gained: 56 (4/hr) BGs Won: 0 Lost: 0 Total: 0 (0/hr) no epics..
It's so funny to watch all you using this profile running around after eachother following the same path, attacking the same mobs.
That's bad luck. I've ran this profile a total of 9 hours stretched out across a couple days and gained 5 epics.
omfg thanx for this man first kill got the double sided coin and 1 h after got a 665 neck then the next day 2 offhand 665 so 4 665 in 2 days thanx youuuu and a shit load of raw leather sells for 1744 gold a stack of 200 and fur 850 a stack so did over 250k gold in 2 days thanx u
Mate, i dont know what happened, but your profile just sold my Savage Blood & Drums of Fury to mamonth vendor, so please check out - maybe those items are not protected by Buddy itself
Profile works like a charm, no epic yet, i'll try it on my lock instead cause my warrior is badly geared.
It stuns me how careless ppl are on my server Illidan, I wanted to check this profile out and decided to not use it.. 4 other bots following each other.. wow.. unreal.. Illidan plays why don;t you scout the area before just letting your bot you.. Idiots
hey guys my character sometimes runs through all the mobs and pulls like 10+ guys and dies. It seem to avoid certain mobs. I'm just using the standard profile and routine. Anyone know why this is?