The questing with Kicks profile is working fine so far except for 1 frequent problem, I have read older threads with the same problem but the workarounds are not possible with the latest honorbuddy version. I use the default settings. The bot won't land... When it flies around it will not land, it is stuck flying around, example: - The bot tries to finish a quest, kill 10 boars. - it kills all the boars in the area, and decides to mount to search for more boars. - While it flies from waypoint to waypoint it will never land, thus it's stuck flying for hours if I don't intervene. - it does however fly very close to the ground at certain times, but never fully landing... - The moment I manually let the bot touch the ground, it will dismount immediately and start killing the boars in range... This has happened a lot of times.
if you would, please post a full log as an attachment so we can see whats going on. [Guide] How to attach your log [Kick]