Does the botbase / cc need to have targeting on it? Or does the plugin only interrupt if the opponent is my current target?
Does not matter if the cc / botbase has targeting. This will scan for anyone casting and interrupt if you have it set up to do so with in the interrupts.
Ok so basically I could run this without a cc or botbase and it would still target and interrupt the spells I specify in the settings?
this plugin seems to only interrupt your current target, is there anyway to make it interrupt when your not targeting anyone?
It will interrupt others as long as you have it it set to do so. Where it says Any Target, ensure that is checked when you add that Interrupt.
Ground Target is for spells that need to target the ground to cast. Like Shadowfury for Warlocks or Death and Decay for DKs.
understood, okay it's definitely not consistent when not targeting, although sometimes it will work. Any ideas why?
understood, okay it's definitely not consistent when not targeting, although sometimes it will work. Any ideas why? I'm using combat bot atm
Yup. Honorbuddy not updating to say that the target is casting. Or it could be that honorbuddy has no idea of the time left on the cast. Try setting the delay at 9999 on the spell to interrupt and see if that makes a difference. Code: ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWPlayer>() .Where( x => x.IsCasting && x.Distance < 100 && x.Attackable && x.InLineOfSpellSight && Spells.SpellList.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Id == x.CastingSpellId && x.CurrentCastTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds < y.Delay + randomDelay + latencyDelay) != null).ToList(); That is the code for detecting other players casting. As you can see it is very basic. So it is either HB not figuring out others are casting OR the casttime is not returning properly. With how poorly HB has been running lately, I am going to go with HB having issues.
not sure if it's honorbuddy tuanha's routine does it perfectly although I can't use it because it casts water shield when earth shield drops witch is bad because it takes globals. Anyway I'll try setting delay to 9999 and get back to you.
Wait before I do this can you comfirm setting to 9999 will work because i have 70 spells to redo because it doesn't let me edit?
Just open the XML in your HB/Settings/Server/Name/UltimateInterrupter/Spells.xml and replace all =) Things like this are EXACTLY why I did the XML route instead of sql. If you enable the spell debugging it should tell you if it see's people casting.
i think it is hb not recognizing the casr hy others. but i will test it with out single target code in there to see. i get back from vacation wednesday. i will have a definitive answer then.
if GetSpellCooldown("Kick")==0 and IsSpellInRange("Kick","target") and (UnitCastingInfo("target") or UnitChannelInfo("target")) then CastSpellByName("Kick") this script run honorbuddy? i want use in game #showtooltip Kick /script Kick