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    Discussion in 'Farming' started by Reviir, Dec 6, 2014.

    1. erinys

      erinys Member

      Nov 10, 2014
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      yup complete log files, they just stop there, and it only happens with your profile sadly :)
      will also check the settings as you mentioned, but some other profiles do with, like the engineering/mining one i bought etc.
    2. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      Welp can tell ya for a fact it Will NOT be picking up your herbs and ore you walk past because you have the Options as False in gb2 config.

      As for the reason they stop....

      your HB verstion is

      [11:48:20.989 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.12260.760 started.

      knwon issue on movement:

      please refer to- HB Release thread------------https://www.thebuddyforum.com/releases/192324-honorbuddy-v2-5-12260-760-a.html#post1759579 please post your logs there with exact detail of what is going on i am alerting CJ that new logs with the error are being uploaded to main thread.

      Basicaly from what I can see there is no error on my side here you are getting a kick back movement error

      Your issue with not mining is purely due to your settings in GB2. hb crash is due to 760.

      Get me on Skype and we can link screen and i will watch what is going on to ensure that is issue

      Skype username : Reviir

      PPS. The engineering profile u are talking about uses professtion buddy as a primary and could be forcing your herb / ore settings to true via that.
      Last edited: Dec 14, 2014
    3. mac212188

      mac212188 New Member

      Nov 16, 2014
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      Can you post correct GB2 settings for us to look at? None of the profiles I have tried will run for more than a couple of minutes before stopping. Just says moving to next hotspot but does nothing. Stop/start of HB resolves but it just keeps happening. This is on all of your profiles. I imagine it must be a bad setting somewhere. I have only done flying profiles before, never ground mount only gb2.

      Also, what does the R tag in some of the profiles mean?

      Edit: yeah if I can't figure out why it won't do more than 1-2 nodes before it stops I will have to refund, it is useless like this. Hopefully you know what setting I need to change. I have tried both with default singularity routine and TUANHA routine, no difference. Thank you.
      Last edited: Dec 14, 2014
    4. erinys

      erinys Member

      Nov 10, 2014
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      its the same here. if i manually move it a little it restarts the last part though, but just been there so its empty.
      here is a screenshot of where it happens with me, its around Shaz'Ghul in SMV.

      ScreenHunter_07 Dec. 14 09.56.jpg
    5. erinys

      erinys Member

      Nov 10, 2014
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      here are my GB2 profile settings, they should be fine. ScreenHunter_05 Dec. 14 09.39.jpg ScreenHunter_04 Dec. 14 09.39.jpg ScreenHunter_03 Dec. 14 09.39.jpg ScreenHunter_02 Dec. 14 09.39.jpg ScreenHunter_01 Dec. 14 09.38.jpg

      Attached Files:

    6. erinys

      erinys Member

      Nov 10, 2014
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      Thanks for the troubleshooting Revirr.
      I don't think the "mining is disabled" part is correct though, see my screenshots above, everything is enable :)

      thanks for pointing out the movement error thing, this very well could be a HB issue then.
      So far if i babysit it it works, so thats ok, but i cant leave it alone more then 2-3 minutes or it will stop. babysitting works though ;)
    7. mac212188

      mac212188 New Member

      Nov 16, 2014
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      It looks like it isn't a setting or HB issue - I have tried all of your gorgrond profiles and they all have the same issue. This public gorgrond profile linked below does not have this issue and keeps running as it should:


      Please take a look and let me know what is going on with is or I will refund, nearly 100 USD for profiles that do one node at a time is not worth it.
    8. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      Yea i know of issue in a couple of profiles hb isnt finding the ground point proper mac. But in the log files it will look like

      [09:37:19.104 D] Could not generate path from {4278.437, 5147.213, 56.51206} to {4316.808, 5155.46, 82.00126} on map Draenor (Phase: FWHordeGarrisonLeve2new) (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
      [09:37:19.161 D] Could not generate path from {4277.816, 5146.647, 56.49102} to {4316.808, 5155.46, 82.00126} on map Draenor (Phase: FWHordeGarrisonLeve2new) (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
      [09:37:19.227 D] Could not generate path from {4277.112, 5146.005, 56.4787} to {4316.808, 5155.46, 82.00126} on map Draenor (Phase: FWHordeGarrisonLeve2new) (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
      [09:37:19.305 D] Could not generate path from {4276.875, 5145.789, 56.47562} to {4316.808, 5155.46, 82.00126} on map Draenor (Phase: FWHordeGarrisonLeve2new) (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly

      have a couple of idea's on how to get it fixed on the fly but need to get it tested.

      as previously stated fri/saturday its hard for me to get any real work done. because i work 16 hours each day :(
      but tomarow will be able to get at it again.
    9. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      Also mind tossing a log up here also mac just to ensure its same deal happening to you.

      and R's are reversed routes back to front stead of front to back
    10. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      Yup just ran a couple tests before sleeping here.

      I know what issue is fella's will get on it tomarrow and get a new set of the base pushed asap. Some of the stupid hot points are not navigatable
      because in caves and what not.

      here i thought it was a big issue. :p
      Them are the things i need to know about so i can take them OUT of the profile... so i am going back over all of your logs erinys to look for any lines like that....

      all you really need to give me is
      Zone>Profile Name> and Could not generate path from {3870.728, 2129.889, 17.81305} to {3880.269, 2188.886, 68.88749}

      That is the info that is needed to ensure a pure AFKable style profile.

      If you wana get me on skype click the lil button next to my name or just add me Skype: Reviir to make sure i get your list of these so i can add it to the update and ensure i dont miss any of them
    11. mac212188

      mac212188 New Member

      Nov 16, 2014
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      Not seeing that in my logs. I'll post up an example for you so you know what I'm seeing, but I couldn't post up all of the issues for you - literally every single one of your profiles that I have tried stops after 1 or two nodes. I'll give it a rest and check back in a couple of days when I still have time to refund, but if it isn't improved by then....sorry man, it's just that when you charge 100 USD for your product, it needs to function decently. Have to act before the 7 day window is up.

      49:255 HP: 100% Mana: 100 Lvl 100 Horde Druid 0y 100% HP Moonkin Form (24858)
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Blackrock Deposit" at X="5626.228" Y="1536.429" Z="111.0115"
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Blackrock Deposit" at X="5626.228" Y="1536.429" Z="111.0115"
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Harvested Blackrock Deposit.
      20:275 HP: 100% Mana: 100 Lvl 100 Horde Druid 0y 100% HP Moonkin Form (24858)
      Burst Mode Activated On Cooldown
      02:43:18 394 EclipseTime 02:43:28 394
      18:530 HP: 100% Mana: 99 Acidtooth Devourer 25.63y 29% HP Moonfire (8921)
      19:997 HP: 100% Mana: 99 Acidtooth Devourer 12.19y 1% HP Moonfire (8921)
      21:536 HP: 100% Mana: 99 Acidtooth Devourer 22.64y 82% HP Moonfire (8921)
      22:913 HP: 100% Mana: 99 Acidtooth Devourer 22.64y 82% HP Moonfire (8921)
      24:381 HP: 100% Mana: 99 Acidtooth Devourer 22.64y 36% HP Moonfire (8921)
      25:849 HP: 99% Mana: 99 Acidtooth Devourer 16.4y 7% HP Moonfire (8921)
      27:706 HP: 99% Mana: 99 Acidtooth Devourer 3.98y 100% HP Starsurge (78674)
      30:589 HP: 100% Mana: 99 Acidtooth Devourer 3.99y 0% HP Stellar Flare (152221)
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Acidtooth Devourer" at X="5602.604" Y="1885.417" Z="124.6526"
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Approaching "Acidtooth Devourer" at X="5602.604" Y="1885.417" Z="124.6526"
      [Gatherbuddy2]: Looted Acidtooth Devourer.
      Burst Mode is OFF
      02:43:38 321 EclipseTime 02:43:48 321

      this was a run on Gorgrond-[Herb] [Ore] All[HB]
      that was the only node it mined. restarting it usually gets one more node before it breaks, but not always. this is consistent across many profiles in many areas. I have also been testing many public wod profiles, and while they have their own issues, none are as completely broken as this :/
    12. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      I understand that. I need the logfile so that i can see what node set is causeing issues with navigation so i can remove the node set because it is in a cave or something.

      and lets not forget about the just large chunks of land that hb dosnt know what to do with /cry

      Going to spend about 12 -14 hours tomarrow doing a massive rerecord on all these profiles.

      Oh i forgot how much happy happy joy joy there was in ground mount farming

      If you would like to participate in the beta that will be going on all day tomarrow again get ahold of me on skype.Reviir
      Last edited: Dec 14, 2014
    13. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      Ok just waking up here sokid 5 hours sleep LETS DO THIS..... aftee I make coffee
    14. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      Rewrite is commenging open call for betas of profiles as they are being written get me on skype if interested
    15. erinys

      erinys Member

      Nov 10, 2014
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      great work man, if you keep support up like this i will get the whole package for sure /grin
    16. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      Think i found the error. I wasnt pulling the correct Z coord still. Been fighting with this basic c# crap for like 9 days and 60 hours so sorry for you guys that found these errors.

      BUT Thank you so much for finding this and reporting it back as fast as you did. and with all the info you guys supplied. It helped a ton in finding and fixing the issue.

      ON A NOTE i do have a profile im pushing to a couple of beta testers atm. IF it comes back clean and it looks like its gonna. you should have the complete package up and running proper tonight... cross your fingers.

      I am heading out for a couple hours now to buy some new CPU fans... ball bearings in mine are failing :p thing sounds like a box fan.
    17. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      Ok home now installing fans then back to work... hopefullt not in a tornado
    18. dankdre

      dankdre Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      Bought frostfire to test, Does what was mentioned in previous posts, Gets an ore if that and stops and does nothing. Still no fixes?
      Last edited: Dec 14, 2014
    19. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      yea brotha was told about it. yestday evening figured out what it was but alas it was ssaturday. <--- works 16 hours on friday and saturday.

      Get home last night cpu sounded like a tornado soooo did a lil research figured out the issue. This morning did some more research with about 4 guys who wanted to sit though and run some tests with me.

      Welp figured out problem sooooo i headed off to buy new cpu and case fans and a compressor before the rig had a epic melt down :p

      Its all fixed up runnin nice and quiet. sooo now its back to work. will be getting fix's out as fast as possible here.

      Dont realy plan on doing much for next 24 hours except drinking half this case of rockstar and making this work proper.
    20. dankdre

      dankdre Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      lol thats a pretty solid answer. I am open for testing if you need it.

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