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  • [PAID] Akatosh Garrison

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by Natfoth, Dec 3, 2014.

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    1. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Are you horde or alliance, also what is your garrison level?
    2. thomas_s

      thomas_s New Member

      Jun 16, 2011
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      I look forward to testing it when I get home from work, if of course the bots not broken because of the maint.
    3. geoffke001

      geoffke001 New Member

      Jan 28, 2013
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      i got the same problem. running everytime back into mine, and dont come out for shipment.

      lvl 2 mines and lvl 3 garrison here
    4. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Are you horde or ally? I believe I have it fixed but just want to double check with yours.
    5. boars

      boars Banned

      Nov 3, 2014
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      I have not seen any reply to address the issues? Seems to be running worse
    6. gazelle

      gazelle New Member

      Dec 16, 2014
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      Hi Akatosh, thanks for the work you are doing on this. I just started using it today and I’m really looking forward to this BotBase being fully functional. I tested 7 lvl2 Garrisons this evening (excluding Garrison Missions) and I’m pleased to say that some elements of your code are working good (Mine & Herbs) but yet some elements have some minor bugs to iron out, eg. submitting work orders chain etc. (I’ll attached concise log files in the coming days) but I was very disappointed to realize that collection/submission of work orders for The Barn has been totally ignored, especially since you mentioned in your preamble that it handles “all professional buildings” “Work Order Features”. I sincerely hope that you intend to take care of this profession building in the near future, if only to handle collection/submission of work orders? I can really see that this BotBase will be a real time saver in the future once most of the features run smoothly.
    7. thomas_s

      thomas_s New Member

      Jun 16, 2011
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      Again attempting to gather ore / use mine carts when not in the mines, first went directly to get the garrison cache then stood in place trying to gather.

      After it went to the herb garden and collected all the herbs, then to the mines. Gathering logic in the mines could use work, it basically just ran around gathering in no particular order. After it was done with the mines it ran out to vendor, ran back in and out a few times, ran further out and then back to inside outside. I believe it missed an ore and then couldn't figure out how to get to it. I stopped the bot and gathered the ore manually to stop it from acting stupid. (Restarted where the bot left off).

      Again ran to the center of my small buildings spamming goal: waiting for interact object to appear.

      No work orders available for my chanting building.
      Work orders available for my BS but not gathered.
      Did not gather work orders from my gladiator sanctum.
      Did not farm timber like marked in the bot configuration.

      Waited at least 5 minutes to see if the bot would continue.

      Manually collected BS work order, bot then continued to place work order with the BS / Enchanting (I think there's a glitch with placing work orders it tried opening a chat window with the chanting guy but the window failed to open (running away / back fixed it) Bot proceeded to run directly into the side of my salvage yard.

      It then tried running out of the garrison while jumping up and down but got stuck on the side wall.

      Tried restarting the bot, but same thing it thinks it got stuck.

      Restarted HB, bot tried doing all gathering mine / herb etc. then got stuck again.

      Seems to be the same result as yesterday just more interaction from me today, still not doing the one thing I would like it to do (farm Lumber and submit LM work orders).

      Attached Files:

    8. hsjyes

      hsjyes Member

      May 13, 2014
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      I was going to purchase this, but after my failed trial I think I will stay away until its functioning. It seems that there are many many issues with this at the moment, will be awesome once working though.
    9. pbettell

      pbettell Member

      Mar 14, 2010
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      Have you tried using it with no plugins enabled and with singular?

      Just trying to eliminate any possible problems, as it's running fine for me.

      There is a WoW bug where the interact sometimes doesn't open for starting work orders, and Akatosh doesn't seem to deal with that yet - as you said, all you have to do is run away a bit, and on return the interact will work.
      Last edited: Dec 16, 2014
    10. thomas_s

      thomas_s New Member

      Jun 16, 2011
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      Same as before, waiting for interact object to appear...if I help it, it will then submit work orders, however when trying to leave the garrison it thinks its stuck.

      No plugins were enabled and I used singular. It actually thought it was stuck more with these settings.

      Edit: Forgot to mention, it ran right by pippers buried supplies

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Dec 16, 2014
    11. pbettell

      pbettell Member

      Mar 14, 2010
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      Okay, what's your ping time like (I did notice a couple of stucks last week for me when I was at the wrong end of a terrible internet connection)?
    12. thomas_s

      thomas_s New Member

      Jun 16, 2011
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      54 home/world in game

      Internet connection
      14ms ping
      85Mbps DL
      23Mbps UL
    13. to0t

      to0t Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      all my garrisons are tier 2 and has the same exact problem as many posted

      if you really really want a log i can provide but its literally the same as a lot of people's stuck mine log
    14. star24_

      star24_ New Member

      Sep 4, 2014
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      No offense but, why should I pay for this when there is a working free garrison bot available?

      What’s the big difference?
    15. Sneck

      Sneck New Member

      Nov 18, 2013
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      i did pay for this and am starting to regret the money i spent. cant sell items, get stuck all the time after exiting the mine ends up running back into the mine to go to the main square|: an example
      katoshGarrison] Stuck : 3 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 4 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 5 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 6 - Distance :
      [Singular] *Blessing of Might on dps.Paladin.C2A7 @ 100.0% at 0.0 yds
      [AkatoshGarrison] Previous Objective Distance : 82.3210067749023 - Previous Objective : AkatoshGarrison.Quests.Objectives.EngineeringLvl2 - New Objective Distance : 126.573547363281 - New Objective : AkatoshGarrison.Quests.Objectives.GatherObjective
      [AkatoshGarrison] Adding Normal Objective : AkatoshGarrison.Quests.Objectives.GatherObjective
      [AkatoshGarrison] Moving to Collectable : True Iron Deposit
      [AkatoshGarrison] Too Many Stuck Attempts - Blacklisting: Mob Name : True Iron Deposit
      [Singular] *Blessing of Might on dps.Paladin.C2A7 @ 100.0% at 0.0 yds
      [AkatoshGarrison] Moving to Collectable : Mine Cart
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 1 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 2 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 3 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 4 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 5 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Too Many Stuck Attempts - Blacklisting: Mob Name : Mine Cart
      [Singular] *Blessing of Might on dps.Paladin.C2A7 @ 100.0% at 0.0 yds
      [AkatoshGarrison] Moving to Collectable : True Iron Deposit
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 1 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 2 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 3 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 4 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 5 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Too Many Stuck Attempts - Blacklisting: Mob Name : True Iron Deposit
      [Singular] *Blessing of Might on dps.Paladin.C2A7 @ 100.0% at 0.0 yds
      [AkatoshGarrison] Previous Objective Distance : 100000 - Previous Objective : AkatoshGarrison.Quests.Objectives.GatherObjective - New Objective Distance : 82.3210067749023 - New Objective : AkatoshGarrison.Quests.Objectives.EngineeringLvl2
      [AkatoshGarrison] Adding Normal Objective : AkatoshGarrison.Quests.Objectives.EngineeringLvl2
      [AkatoshGarrison] InteractWith Quest Object : Engineering Work Order
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 1 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 2 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 3 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 4 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 5 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 6 - Distance :
      [Singular] *Blessing of Might on dps.Paladin.C2A7 @ 100.0% at 0.0 yds
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 7 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 8 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 9 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 10 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Attempting To Jump to Unstuck
      [Singular] *Blessing of Might on dps.Paladin.C2A7 @ 100.0% at 0.0 yds
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 1 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 2 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 3 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 4 - Distance :
      [AkatoshGarrison] Stuck : 5 - Distance :
      [Singular] *Blessing of Might on dps.Paladin.C2A7 @ 100.0% at 0.0 yds
      [AkatoshGarrison] Previous Objective Distance : 83.8500213623047 - Previous Objective : AkatoshGarrison.Quests.Objectives.EngineeringLvl2 - New Objective Distance : 127.137474060059 - New Objective : AkatoshGarrison.Quests.Objectives.GatherObjective
      [AkatoshGarrison] Adding Normal Objective : AkatoshGarrison.Quests.Objectives.GatherObjective
      [AkatoshGarrison] Moving to Collectable : True Iron Deposit
      [AkatoshGarrison] Too Many Stuck Attempts - Blacklisting: Mob Name : True Iron Deposit
      Stopping the bot!
      Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
    16. gazelle

      gazelle New Member

      Dec 16, 2014
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      Test Feedback with diagnostic logs

      Hi Natfoth,

      As promised, I tested this Bot on 7 level 2 Garrison permutations this morning with Diagnostic Logging (excluding Garrison Missions and Lumber Mill). I basically just want to get my Work Orders, Farm & Mine sorted out before I move on to testing anything further.

      First off, let me just mention that I play the game with a custom interface comprising alot of various add-ons. I get the impression that some of these add-ons may interfere with the Bot-routines in some cases. In particular, dialog handlers don’t react to your work-around:

      >Flushing timed movement. Direction: JumpAscend<

      to the well known Blizzard work-order-submission-dialog bug and causes the Bot to hang. Here is a log-file that illustrates the hung-Bot:

      View attachment 4772 2014-12-17 12.08.txt

      When I disabled all add-ons I didn’t experience a hung-Bot on work order submission. Moral of the story: Disable all add-ons prior to initializing the Bot.

      I discovered 2 other points of interest:

      Here is a log-file of the Bot missing the Garrison Cache on one toon:

      View attachment 4380 2014-12-17 11.04.txt

      Here is a log-file of the Bot running into problems in collecting/submitting work orders to the Garrison Building : Scribe Lvl 1:

      View attachment 2688 2014-12-17 11.52.txt

      Otherwise, besides this I am happy with LvL2 Mine/Farm/Forge/Engineering/Tailoring/Enchanting/Alchemy. Also, as I mentioned before if you could include a piece of code to handle collecting/submitting work orders to the Barn. I could recommend this Bot to others.

      Thanks in advance.
    17. Joshshaman

      Joshshaman Member

      Jun 20, 2011
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      The bot still runs into walls when it goes to submit follower missions, it still get stuck down in the water in the level 3 mine, still gets stuck when it finishes up with salvage, and now it's skipping picking up certain shipments until I stop and restart.

      Who do I talk to about a refund? I've been submitting problems since I paid for the bot and literally nothing is fixed.
    18. Refelxz

      Refelxz New Member

      Jan 2, 2014
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      Ok so i'm alliance the bot gathers herbs and mining well, but once at the command table it sends followers on missions then said going to salvage yard, tried running straight through the wall without even trying to attempt to use the door. i wouldn't give to crap if i had to salvage myself. i just want the bot to put followers on missions then check when they are done and resend them.
      After attempting to run to salvage yard bot stops and turns off.

      if this is not fixed within 24 hours i will definitely be going to my bank and saying this was an unauthorized transaction and getting my full money back. no point charging for something that doesn't even work.
    19. defzone

      defzone New Member

      Dec 25, 2013
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      I hope the admins should be doing something on the slow support of the dev on the said plugin. No offense, but this is just a user's opinion.
    20. ynoorbz

      ynoorbz Member

      Nov 24, 2010
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      Just bought this today without doing the trial or reading the comments here. Gotta say so far it hasn't worked much for me, just constant stuck notices and slowly finding it way to things in my mine. That being said, I don't think the dev has simply done a runner and lost interest, why would they? I bought without trying despite there being a currently free alternative because like at least some of the folks in this corner of the forums, I believe in supporting the devs that make this bot great and also believe that given enough feedback and time they will make projects such as this great additions to the HB lineup.

      Now thats off my chest a little, as I mentioned I'm not having a lot of luck making much of anything happen smoothly for some reason. I've tried with and without addons and also swapping between paid for routines and singular. Nothing seems to make a whole lotta difference right now, wondering if I'm missing something or just crap outta luck lol. Here's the latest log that got thrown together, hopefully it can help out

      Attached Files:

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