Here is a pretty simple profile for grindbot This farms sumptuous fur on the talbuks and clefthoofs around the ring of trials area. I used a lvl 100 guardian druid pulling up to 3 mobs at a time, got close to 150 sumptuous fur an hour without skinning. mail and vendor/repair supported hope you enjoy ps this is my first ever profile so please if something is wrong post a comment but done flame me about it, i will help where i can. been running it with no issues for several hours now so it is and has been tested.
After a 1 hour farm 351 kph 160 sumptuous fur 588 hearty soup bones (good for 203,000 xp) 3 greens for DE Random grays equaling around 50g 51 talbuk meat 17 clefthoof meat 3 elekk meat turned in all the soup bones(thought maybe at 100 they gave rep or something) turns out they are good for gold too, got about 225g from the turn in.
Has anyone tried this on any toons other then druid, looking for some feedback as my druid is currently the only lvl 100 I have atm.
i am running a fury warrior level 99 with 584 ilvl no deaths this is 1 hour and 5 minutes 96 sumptuous fur 506 hearty soupbones 4 greens 214 gray items 44 raw talbuk meat 3 raw clefthoof meat 3 elekk meat
hi it has one problem its trying to attack a monster thats stuck in the trees can you fix this problem
Does anyone know why my character will not kill other mobs other than talbuk and leatherhide bull even though I have checked bot settings to kill any mobs between waypoints?? Also, if my character agros any other mob, it would just stand there take dmg until it dies or bounce from one mob to another while not looting???
sorry guys, been really busy at work. First to answer the question about the mobs in the trees, i would guess you would have to manually blackspot them if using a ranged toon. As i said in the overview i did this on a guardian druid, so stuck mobs didnt really effect the running of the bot since i was in melee range. second, this profile was built for grind leveling 98-100 and farming sumptuous fur at 100, it was specificly written to only attack talbuck and leatherhide, though i was attacked by prowlers several times and the bot reacted perfectly, attacking and downing the adds. Without a log and someone more qualified to look into it i would have to say its probably your CR and not the profile. Glad it had helped some of you, i may do a little writing over my christmas break from work and maybe include some harder mobs
100 hunter ilvl 635 (MM with Lonewolf, Bodygaurd Present) Run Time 55mintues. Kills: 243 (292/hr) Deaths: 7 (8/hr) Loots: 188 (226/hr) Fur : 101 Raw Beast Hide: 108 Raw Talbulk Meat : 32 Raw Clefthoof meat: 8 Bones: 355 Gold +Vendor Grays: 162.65.66 Greens: (4) 78.05.77 Bone Turnin: 124.44 Sub Total : 365.15.43 Repair - 115.50.54 (7 deaths, all to the wandering warsong riders packs/Wolf packs) Grand total: 249.64.89 + Auctions