How successful are you in Arenas? Rating, routine, class, etc. I was wondering how successful people were in Arenas using PvP routines. What classes are more successful?
Well since I have no rating it's impossible to get into an arena team, but I guess with a good CR at least low rating like 1700 should be easy going. WoW has the worst community ever (rating, spec and ilvl are the only things people are interested in) hence I wait for my brother to join me at some point or skip arenas. But since WoW is basically free to play thanks to HB I have lots of time to wait for him to rejoin WoW ^^
Heya Any chance of PM'ing me some of your settings or screenshotting them for me? I'm having trouble getting past 1700 Thanks in advance
2380 atm Retpally using TuanhaPally 2100 using Glad suite warrior currently leveling a hunter will use GS. Just fuck around with your pally config, it does everything for you tbh, just DL some GCD addon to know when your shit used skills (TrufiGCD - Unit Frames - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse). Why? it's simple, a 2k+ arena player gonna see easily your "script" (as legit players call it) if you don't talk and just freedom/BOP/stun/Rep people without talking. PM me for any question i'll maybe answer them *sunglasses*
I just recently started Arena with BG 675 Gear (minus weapon, wrists and hands, those were Raid) and did Arena Cap as Blood DK yesterday and tuesday using Necrophilia. Currently at 1049 but that just because I'm mainly focusing on raids. Arenas are just some fun timewasters for inbetween.
2k current rating using Gladiator Suite for Death Knights. I love the rotation but it has it's flaws. If those would be fixed, going higher would definitely be easier.
I'm no pro, max like 1850 or so, but what i've found is that you need to learn the class at least a little, you can't just press the IWIN button. Especially for long cooldowns and interrupts, i prefer to keep these keybound and manual. Stuns, burst, silences, BOPs, stuff like that. The routine can do these for you, but sometimes nothing beats actual situational awareness for when these are best used. Let the rotation do the pewpew, but manage the major cooldowns yourself. EDIT: Given the post below, thought I'd better make myself more clear BM Hunter and WW Monk, both using TuanHA for my experience.
talk about a non answer 2nd post in the thread and you didn't answer any of the questions. How successful are you in Arenas? Rating, routine, class, etc. I was wondering how successful people were in Arenas using PvP routines. What classes are more successful? 1. not.. 2. no rating.. 3. haven't listed a routine.. 4. haven't listed your class.. 5. didn't talk about your experience using pvp routines... 6. again didn't list a class you pvp'd with...
Most of the time there is a option in the routine (Class settings) that says something about auto movement or auto targeting... disable those! Also if you are using TuanHA make sure you got the paid version because the free version does not work in RBG and Arena
At that point it's no longer about settings.. You have to know how to pvp and use keybinds effectively.