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  • Can I make the bot stop chasing mobs?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Paze, Dec 18, 2014.

    1. Paze

      Paze New Member

      Nov 18, 2014
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      Sometimes (actually a lot) when running around an area, my char will attract some mobs. They then run after my char until I reach the quest giver and before buddy interacts with the quest giver it decides to run after the mobs (which are now running away with evasion). It will then reach them at some point and blacklist them due to evasion but now they are at their original position and will start attacking again (my char has chased them back to their patrolling area)...But they are blacklisted so buddy just stands there getting pounded eventually dying, costing valuable time and also looking suspicious as hell.

      Can I make the bot stop chasing after mobs that run away somehow?

      Bonus question: Why doesn't my rogue use stealth at all? Stealth is set to auto..I'd rather not have it at always as it looks suspicious on quest givers as it will try and take the quest and then stealth and retake and restealth.
      Last edited: Dec 18, 2014

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