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  • Getting started on gold selling.

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by saven, Dec 18, 2014.

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    1. saven

      saven Member

      Sep 24, 2010
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      Seeking help on getting started on gold selling.

      As the title says but doesn't fully explain what I truely want out of this deal, I want someone who has time on there hands who knows how the gold selling business is done. I seriously dislike my job but put up with it well. Been working

      in grocery retail for far far too long to mention the actual years I wasted. I understand from many of you that your views on how it's done will differ from one another. I ask of you to have skype or some kind of voice chat/video chat

      enabled so we make hasten the process.

      But why should you teach me? I can list many reasons, sure..but I can offer you a decent mount of profit in return if I become capable of running far in this business and not crawling on glass. I prefer it as always to give back to

      people who have done a great service. Instead of tpying out more non sense, I will post the reasons why I should be a capable student in the gold selling ways.

      -I've been botting since glider was around (OH DAMN)

      -I have potiental to script profiles more so than plugins or routines. In other words, I have dabled in the programming language but didn't get too far. At least I have some knowledge! lol

      -I am probably like you when you started. Not knowing anything and then someone came along and changed a life.

      -I need extra cash for college/bills/

      -I can give you a cut of my profits if you wish (negotiable)

      -Internet savy and kinda tech savy than most. (May very based upon your own knowledge..duh)

      -I possess a capable computer of running a lot of instances of wow. Meaning I can invest in multiple accounts.

      On a final note, there can only be one to three people I will accept on my list to take on at a time. Not to be rude or harsh but more than one teacher gets a little bit more confusing, maybe not. Please don't come to me wanting to sell

      your "get started profiles, plugins etc.." and not teach me anything. I'm just here for the lectures and maybe support if you got it.
    2. UsernameInvalid

      UsernameInvalid Community Developer

      Jul 27, 2014
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      The site you are looking for is https://www.ownedcore.com/

      This forum is strictly based in the implementation and support requests on the honor buddy program. You may get a few decent responses before the thread is closed by a moderator, but i suggest you surf around the forums at ownedcore and perhaps sign up as a memeber to open up a new thread looking for help.

      One thing I can say, is that gold selling is at a very rocky transition zone, and to jump in now expecting to replace your job will most likely leave you worse off than you are currently. I do not say this to deter you from your passion if it is what calls to you in your life, but more so to educate you on the path your choice will cause.

      ie, you wouldn't get a degree in brain surgery if there were no open positions for 20 years and expect a job when you graduated.
    3. Teveel

      Teveel Active Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      I think you are getting into gold selling at the wrong time buddy, with new changes Blizzard are bringing in means there is much uncertainty as to what the new price will be in future as people can trade game time for gold.
    4. ludawg

      ludawg New Member

      Oct 25, 2013
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      You cannot and should not depend on botting as a main source of income. It is too risky as anything can happen such as bot being down, exploit causing gold prices to drop, bans...you name it. Is it possible to make a living off botting? Yes, but you have to be real good. I would rely on a stable income with a job and bot for your beer money.
    5. Cjjd8590

      Cjjd8590 New Member

      Jul 15, 2014
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      Where do you guys live where you can rely on gold selling as main income? there is no way somebody could live on gold selling alone in my country
    6. SamaRazor

      SamaRazor Member

      Mar 11, 2012
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      F*ck, people are too dumb to google, and trying to tell us bout pros of creating another one goldmaker, when market is already overfilled with chinese. U kidding me, yes?
    7. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Thread closed—gold selling is not a topic for the Buddy forum.

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