I am looking for a reliable 1-90 or 1-100 leveling profile! and one that will work with the latest update/expansion thanks!
not sure why it has been put in the archives as its not old but here you go https://www.thebuddyforum.com/archi....html?highlight=90-100+Horde+[Edited+Chinesi]
Is it monopoly now on open source? This is perfect profile pack why we cant use it? I mean the 90-100 Horde [Edited Chinesi]. Why It was blocked?
I have leveled tons of toons with kick and no bans yet. I also play on very populated servers. It might have to do with people using it on accounts that are up for review from shady stuff in the past.
Kicks profile is great, dont get me wrong. But thats also the main problem. Just started a monk yesterday on Ravencrest, stopped the bot and watched how many HB Kick friends pass by, it were alot and pretty obvious.