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  • Newbie to Botting looking to Veterans for practice throwaway account

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by LittleWraith, Dec 19, 2014.

    1. LittleWraith

      LittleWraith New Member

      Dec 19, 2014
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      Hi all, I will just start off by saying I am brand spanking new to Honorbuddy and botting in general and so, of course I don't deserve any favors of any kind and don't even know if what I'm asking (and where I'm posting it) is allowed. However, I've been looking into botting as I found it interesting and a good way of possibly avoiding alot of the mind-numbingness that is WoW BUT I still have yet to try it out and have heard from multiple posts that testing it out on your main is a no-go, like... never ever ever bot on main.

      So with that in mind I was wondering if any of you botting overlords could provide me with a throwaway account to just try out botting on and/or suggested profiles etc. Let me apologise in advance if this isn't allowed :p
    2. Teveel

      Teveel Active Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      You can bot on your main if you are sensible about it, but a battlechest is dirt cheap so just buy one of those and give it a go...
    3. LittleWraith

      LittleWraith New Member

      Dec 19, 2014
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      That's fair enough, I was just thinking whether I could literally just do a test run and then get my own secondary acc etc, but yeah BattleChest might just be the way to go. Thanks :)
    4. techgod

      techgod New Member

      Nov 23, 2012
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      No its not "never bot on your main" its "never bot on your main if you don't want to risk getting it banned". IF you accept the potential ban risk you can bot on your main.

      REally the only thing you have to be worried about is a Warden detection of HB. And subsequent mass banwave of all detected HB users. Which has not happened for a looooooooong time. Not to say that it will never happen again but the HB devs are experienced and careful. So risk is there but probably minimal.

      Aside from that risk if you bot smart, limit hours botting (no herp derp 24/7 unless you dgaf), supervise the bot, don't use well known public profiles (quest profile is ok), avoid GB2 and DungeonBuddy, etc. the risk that they will detect botting pattern and ban the acc is very low.

      Anyway I have had my account for years now, I do bot on my main, carefully, and have a ton of gold andddd rare items and such but if I got banned tomorrow guess what... its only a game, its a grindy time sink of a game, and honestly if I couldnt bot I wouldnt play anymore. So if I get a ban yes it will suck but ultimately I will just play other games that are about fun always and not "fun after x time".
      Last edited: Dec 19, 2014
    5. LittleWraith

      LittleWraith New Member

      Dec 19, 2014
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      Oh ok thanks for clarifying, I might just go out and test it on main now then (carefully monitored of course) cheers for the advice :)

      EDIT: That being said though, what are some of the better ways to farm gold atm? What with raw resources being readily available to everyone I cant imagine gathering being too great, maybe dungeon grinding and AH flipping etc (which I suck at).
      Last edited: Dec 19, 2014
    6. symetrix

      symetrix New Member

      Jun 28, 2011
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      Gold farming is in the shitter right now. As you pointed out, very few people are buying raw materials. I'll PM you with my current method.
    7. techgod

      techgod New Member

      Nov 23, 2012
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      Currently best way to make a lot of gold is GARRISONS and more garrisons. In other words, get a lot of alts. As you know with garrisons and professions you can make shit put it up on the AH and get gold that way. That wouldnt be profitable if you were doing it with 1 char but imagine like 3, 4, 5 level 100 alts with garrisons and different crafting professions, bam, ctrl+p gold!!!

      And that is exactly where HB can come in handy because it is great for leveling at least up to lvl 90 (90-100 will eventually be bottable but atm its probably pretty rough.)

      But keep in mind Bot questing is not 100% afk, you definitely have to keep an eye on it. Not like staring at the screen all the time but you have to atleast be around and check it every 5-10 minutes to make sure no stucks or questing hiccups. From experience Id say it questing profiles run fine 90% of the time, 10% of the time the bot stucks, or it chokes on a quest for w/e reason, and you have to manually complete. Then off it goes again. All in all though I'd say worth it, because imagine if it takes 100 hours to get to level 90, 10% of the time you have to fix it, so you spend 10 hours out of 100. Thats 90 hours saved while it does the work for you. And looking at screen every 5-10 minutes is hell of easier than actually doing all those "i vant you to keel seex snow moose" fkin quests by hand.

      Anyway gl, think hard about your main, ask yourself if the benefit of botting outweighs the worth you place on your acc. For me it does. But everyone have to decide on their own.
      Last edited: Dec 19, 2014
    8. stiches666

      stiches666 New Member

      Jun 17, 2012
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      myself and 5 friends use HB for all sorts of things we've been botting on and off since the start of MoP, only one of us has ever been banned and that was because he used GB2 and the same highly popular profile for 168 hours strait without logging off.
      and he got the account back 2 days later. if your are online fore a week and Haven't even logged once and all you did was fly in a circle and gather shit you might as well call your char sirBOTalot.

      the secret is to be unpredictable, do some grinding here, gathering there, switch it out between alts, bit o questing now and again,
      don't do the same thing over and over and make sure you log out for a few random hours a day. after-all humans sleep right.
      as-long as it looks like your human. you should have no problems.

      good luck. happy botting
    9. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      i gotta admit, kicks questing profiles for horde worked pretty damn nice for this early in the expac. i was babysitting them 99% so hitting a few doorways while on a stupid sized mount wasn't much of an issue. still though, id rate them B-, needs improvement, but not bad.
    10. aZoneWhichIsOneOfDanger

      aZoneWhichIsOneOfDanger New Member

      Apr 21, 2014
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      Someone had also leaked the chinese questing pack for 90-100 which worked almost flawlessly for me. Needed interaction couple of times here and there but I managed to get 4 of my characters 90-100 in the first week

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