Title is pretty self explanatory It says logging in... then doesn't do anything. As soon as you click anywhere it goes not responding. You close it. reopen honorbuddy and it says max sessions but its not in my processes. There is no logs for this either only for the max sessions Tried restarting computer, same cycle repeats. Tried Resintalling honorbuddy, again same cycle. Any help appreciated Cheers
if you have any products added to the buddystore, log into the buddystore and click on "my purchases" then disable streaming for all products, and one by one enable them and restart honorbuddy. this is to make sure its not something from the store that is causing issues, because sometimes streaming everything in at once can take a long time, making it look like it froze up. as far as max sessions, when you get them you can log into your buddyauth account at Home Page - Buddy Auth Portal and kill any active sessions you may have.
Struggling to find where the buddy store "my purchases" is. You are talking about on the website correct? Mind you i haven't purchased any yet only the leveling bot that comes free (kicks)
you have to add kicks profiles via the store for them to be streamed in. the "my purchases" link should be in the upper right hand corner of the page.
yay that worked. thank you for your help! But how do i get kicks to work now? i re-enable in and restart honorbuddy it just goes back to freezing again.
enable streaming for the profiles. login, and give it a good amount of time, as it has to download the profiles an if theres heavy use on the server (and im sure there is) it can take a while.