Where do I start the bot? It's just stuck on loading profile and I'm at the repairer you have chosen?
Problem solved. I was using the first profile in the series, instead of the second. I had to assume that the one titled 1000bones one was the right one to use. With that said, why is the non-1000 bone turn-in one included in the SVN since everyone will want to use the preferred profile?
Just because it was the original profile and sometimes people just want to grind grind grind and not worry about bones.
My issues were resolved from before after clean install and switching combat routines, but now its not skinning mobs. It kills loots and runs away.
Under your settings & tools in HB do you have Skin Mobs checked? After a clean install, it isn't by default.
Ugh, its been a long weekend. I was thinking it was a setting with the routine and not HB general setting. Completley over looked it. Thanks for the help.
Anytime the bot wants to repair it runs right through the horde base , attacking the horde gaurds (Wor'var Watcher). It is trying to go to Rizmax Copperwattz to repair.
Nevermind! I see the problem. I just added a blacklist for that camp with a pretty large radius and it seems to run completely around it now! Also, I added some Avoid Mobs to the profile(s) in the SVN, so make sure to update. Check the top post for a list of complete updates.
Wor'var Watcher - NPC - World of Warcraft The ones by your farming area. There are two locations listed in the link above, the camp it is running through is the one almost dead center of the map.
Thanks for the profile! As a side note, is there way to let me use the pet I want? I'm a BM hunter and for some reason it's always selecting my cat over rare quillen. Any ideas?
Just gotta report, although I have been running this script for quite som time now. This just happened last night over 7 hours: Running simultaneously on two characters; 3 BoE 665s ca 30-35k ea 3200 raw hide 2900 furs Shitloads of gold from vendor and quests. This is my favorite script up to date.