a very unorganized but forward thread. enjoy new gold farmers, i made 500k gold in 4 days doing this. with maybe 1 hour a day of manual work. take over your servers economy of 1 good. example: a type of meat. bot the meat, buy the meat, sell the meat. sell it for 4-8k a stack until blizzard nerfs the hell out of it. (or whatever the current value is, but do not bother if the stack of 200 is under 1,500 gold, find something different) always buyout your competition if its over 1 gold difference PER item - as everyone undercuts each other, the market price drops. dont sell it all with the same character. use alts to sell the meat at higher than your normal price, why? because this makes your main stacks look desirable, as they are a better value. need more detailed info? pm me.
Works only on low pops servers. I have atleast 3 botters selling shitloads of meat and hides. If i will buy there meat to keep the price up i will have my guildbank filled and they are still undercutting
Lol, on my servers you would need millions and millions of gold to keep this up for even a few days, and even if you could bank roll it you'd need 3-4 accounts in the AH just to keep the under-cutters at bay.