Might not be the right place to ask, but here we go anyways. I can understand why IB would be a paid plug in, and raphus deserves something in return for this great piece of work which he has spent alot of time on obvioisly. I am however worried about it becomming a subscription kind of deal along the lines of the current non-lifetime subscriptions for gb and hb. Ive stopped botting "fulltime", and only bot every now and then which is the sole reason i went from gb sub to gb lifetime in the first place. So basicly, what im asking is, will it be subscription or onetime payment based? and if subscription will there be a lifetime option?
Im getting this error with HB and it only comes up with I have InstanceBuddy selected I have also attached a log file Code: [8:42:12 AM:460] Cleared POI [8:42:15 AM:602] Inserting Grinkle [Gossip, Questgiver] into the database! [8:42:17 AM:388] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwner) at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwner) at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks) at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args) at Styx.Logic.Targeting.a(Delegate A_0, Object[] A_1) [8:42:17 AM:391] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted. at Styx.Logic.Targeting.a(Delegate A_0, Object[] A_1) at Styx.Logic.Targeting.Pulse() [8:42:17 AM:398] Stop Button pressed. User has stopped the bot.
Don't have time to read through every page to find out if IB currently is working. Is it working as we speak?
DISABLE the ressurection + hearthstone at SPIRIT HEALER ASAP. If you keep this in IB i won't pay a penny for it. This is an instant give away for using this bot + plugin. I really don't know why you even added this function. Also it's irrelevant which dungeon it is.....This should NEVER EVER occur [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.0]:No rezzers around. Releasing corpse Changed tilemap to Expansion01, Tiled: True [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.0]:Corpse run failed ! Returning to Spirit Healer Unloading tiles! Loading Expansion01_23_38 Successfully loaded Expansion01_23_38.etm interact: 0x285B46A0 <-- Probably the Ressurection at spirit healer. interact done: 0x285B46A0 ^^ [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.0]:Waiting for Resurrection Sickness to fade off The use of the Hearthstone isn't even in the log !
Can someone tell me how this will grind and do instance buddy. When I pick instance buddy it just sits ther and jumps and doesnt do grind bot. Thanks for your help
Shit I can't even get it to work at all, it just errors out on me and no one seems to ever reply when you're having issues. If this becomes paid I won't pay a dime for it do to the lact of support on it as raphus never replies to anyone when they post issues but then again there's not much for support for hb it's self
So, it's currently not possible to add your own profiles for instance grinding? I would like to have a Steamvault profile, tell me what I can do to help.
My question is how do we get custom weight settings for loot now? I've always used a modified set of item weights as I didn't like the default ones for my characters. While I understand the need for it to be a .dll, etc, you should still allow for us to have *some* override capabilities for things like item weights for loot, etc.
Yep read the first post, but that has nothing to do with the error im getting or getting any response on it.
I think instancebuddy wil never be stable because it makes always weird issue i was in a dungeon i was healing self without instancebuddy and another guy felt down in mauradon lol he said it was his internet D