To keep the answer simple, no. If you tell me what information you want to use, I can tell you whether or not it's already support, or why it's not exposed. I'll venture a guess to the most common thing brought up, but there would be no changes to it: people want the bot to only farm an instance if it contains a certain pre-loaded resource in client memory.
I see, thanks for the input. Yes I was referring to pre-loaded resources like Strongboxes and Corrupted zones.
Forgot to mention, what about how the HUD reads enemy positions and room exits. As you know the bot can spend a healthy amount of time looking for both. I would imagine it's not an easy implementation though.
Our products aim to legitimately "automate" the process of playing a game. We don't allow hacks of any sort, but there's an obvious grey area when it comes to the information the bot knows / can access and use to work in the first place. We have to avoid talking about those things for legal reasons, but basically the reason why the bot does a lot of what it does, is more to try and stay inline with what we're attempting to provide, as opposed to it being too hard or long to actually do. We can't stop users from doing those things themselves though, but we can't do it, or allow such things posted on our forums, if that makes sense.