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  • QuestBuddy-nothing happening, fresh clear install + all four caches cleared!

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by blubblub, Dec 27, 2014.

    1. blubblub

      blubblub New Member

      Dec 17, 2014
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      try to level a 58 druid in hellfirepeninsula with Kick's 58-70 profile.

      I did fresh clear installs of HB, cleared all caches on the basis of the HelpDesk.

      I did that two times, i also reboot the system between the new clear installs and also always cleared the caches and deleted all parts of HB.

      Always workd well four me, never needed support, but now i'm stuck.

      Any help is appreciated.

      View attachment 6356 2014-12-27 12.54.txt
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      use dx11 instead and let me know plz
    3. blubblub

      blubblub New Member

      Dec 17, 2014
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      i aktivated dx11, after that i deletet HB,
      cleared again all four caches and did again a fresh clear install, on the helpdesk basics.

      toon now running directly to flight master, stuck in tryin to use some item till toon goes afk and logout.
      toon buys flyingmount everytime i start the bot and starts to learn it over and over again, it seems he tryd that till logout, problem is level 58 can't learn those mounts.
      i tryd to delete the mount manualy (without cleared caches and with), toon buys mount again and same try to learn-stuck till logout problem.
      tryd it now under DX9 & DX11 after your sugestion (also did between the change of DX a cache clear run!).

      anyway, thx for the fast replie!

      View attachment 16872 2014-12-27 16.06.txt
      Last edited: Dec 27, 2014
    4. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      [Fly][A - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick].xml

      it needs to learn flying skill and have a flying mount before it will try and move on.
    5. blubblub

      blubblub New Member

      Dec 17, 2014
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      alright, that means the profile is broken for druids the first two levels?
      because druids are able to fly at level 58 and this stuck and try to learn the mount till logout problem will last till level 60.
      that means the user have to level the toon this two levels manually now?
      is ther a possibility to get the profile work the first 2 levels as fly profile for druids travel form?

      and the strange thing is gentelman, no offense but i pushd a different druid toon bevor the patch,
      i think it was build 761 with this profile, same settings etc. and the druid toon was flying at level 58.
      there was no strange loop failure like this and also the druid was using travelform as flyingmount at level 58.

      i fixd the problem yesterday, i brought the toon manually to level 60.
      i startet to try the bot again after i learned the mount manually (rubbishy as a druid to learn a fly mount, hello at travelform).
      bot was flyin than with the travelform (like in the settings set), alright, but he flys direktly to the mount vendor and buys the mount again ( what was already trained).
      the loop failure starts again till logout. the only thing what makes the profile run again normaly was to send all the gold from the toon away so he was not able to buy anything.
      after that i started the bot again and it was working like in build 761.

      I'm not sure if kick has change something in the profile but i think the problem is/was somewhere else.
      i'll level a new druid in two weeks and i'll see than if the problems return.
      i'v done many ours troubleshooting yesterday, done many reinstalls and done everything from the helpdesc, multiply times.
      also i was able to bot a druid bevor the patch trough this profile and there was NO failure like this, same pc, same settings, same profile but different patch and build!

      i tried to give here the most specific information, in my previous posts but to tell me it's a flying profile is a litte bit disdainful in consideration of my explanations.

      ok than, enough time wastet with this here, thank you support for tryin to help me on the weekend, happy new year.
      Last edited: Dec 28, 2014
    6. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      you can report it under Kick's thread and he will take a look on it

      Happy holidays!
    7. blubblub

      blubblub New Member

      Dec 17, 2014
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      thank you tony, i'll do that!
      happy holidays!
    8. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      you're welcome
    9. blubblub

      blubblub New Member

      Dec 17, 2014
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      after some thinking, towards your hint thats maybe the profile,
      about the difference between the druid befor the patch and this new druid under build 763, is a other account.

      exactly a completely new one, with only one ground mount and no fly mount, maybe this is the reason why the profile trys to buy one.

      the solution woud be to bring knowledge to the code that a druid (as distinguished from the other classes) also on a new account with no flymounts learned is able to fly at level 58.

      maybe that is a possibility, because that is the only difference between toon in build 761 and 763.

      forwarded for kick's information <FFKI> i'll now link this thread in kick's one.

      Last edited: Dec 28, 2014

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