Has anyone thought about this or has it been put forward to the people who can do such a thing ? Recently been craving being able to "tmorph" when using honorbuddy but unable to as it runs 32 bit, And im sure im not the only one who is wanting this with a huge population of us now using combat routines for raiding and doing daily things in world of warcraft these days. Whats your thoughts guys would you like to see a Morpher for 32 bit or "for" HB maybe even built into HB. Thanks
Well i found this, no idea if its this he is looking for: What is tMorph? tMorph is a third-party application for World of Warcraft that allows users to change and edit models, temper with visual effects in the game, and much more. These changes can only be seen by the user and do not affect other players. What can you do with tMorph? - Change models of items on the player. - Change spell effects from one to another. - Edit scale size of player. - And much, much more! Is tMorph dangerous to use? The use of tMorph is against Blizzard ToS and is therefore a bannable offense. However, many well-known players stream the use of tMorph and do not suffer repercussions. Otherwise known as use at your own risk.
Question is, will it help BOTs in any positive way or only players who cares about looks? Don't get me wrong it does look nice but I doubt half of the community here actually spend the time looking at their bot farm while they bot, only the very few who bot them self or play with the help of HB.
Tbh i would love this... have same issue as you even posted on tmorph about them supporting 32 bit but he won't have any of it .... Alot of people use HB in arena, raiding and dailys like you said im one of them users i don't really play wow without HB anymore defo +1 for this !! Or even someone who has any idea how to make a morph program for 32 bit loads of people would be interested im sure !
Ridiculous. Come back with an idea that isn't useless - like integrating teleport and other fun "hack" things
HB isnt into such things as teleport and other fun 'hack' things. its on the list with gold selling, and linking to third party sites. the forums are here for discussion on automation only. im sure its in the forum rules if you would like to see the exact wording.
Will it help the bot ? No Will people use this for their bot farm? No as mentioned this would be used by the vast majority of people using Honorbuddy these days for Raiding/arena ect ect who do spend the time looking and for the small part "playing" along side the help of there combat routine. The tech is out there but not supported for 32Bit which is why i raised the thread. As somone copy and pasted Tmorph is the current version pretty much anyone who uses a morpher uses and has been widely accepted as there has yet to be any outcries of any bans coming from using the software to the point that majority of Streamers can be seen playing in arena as the opsite faction of there team mates ect.
Doubt it would happen, but I would love if HB would finally support 64 bit wow so I could use tmorph. Maybe one day....
I like tmorph that much I feel like not botting because it only supports 64 bit I am a big fan of visuals, I think if HB team can only support 32 bit they should at least let people be able to morph through the bot so long as it is only morphing through their own screen so no other player can see I don't see any issues I would love to see a morpher on the buddy store it would be great for sales. This would make one popular plugin in I would pay for, hell I would even pay 100 US just so I can look cool while I do what ever in wow. Also have it remember item sets, play as Illidan who ever you wish as long as you have the .morph id. I am litterally ripping my hair out as I love HB but no 32 bit morpher, thumbs up to whom ever creates one.
I don't think it should be a feature as such but a plugin on the buddy store that just visually changes your toons items,enchants etc, race only for you to see, so that it doesn't create any attention which is a no brainer.
Easy to say but some of us use the bot to pvp, like the human perks on Alliance 2x trinket plus everyman for himself hate the look of a human you can morph your race, items etc for your eyes only, I am sure someone can develop this you may not like it but I know heaps of people are interested.
I know from the past, that model morphing got people banned due to modifications of client data, which isn't allowed.
There is quite a lot of people who want to morph under a 32 bit, there is a reason why honor buddy supports 32 bit and not 64 bit because many people are still running 32 bit, for morphing fans they would more than likely wanting purchase honor buddy just so that they can morph, I have been browsing now through other forums where people are searching for such a thing. It is positive for HB overall.
People were banned for morphing other creatures in wow to exploit, no one is being banned for morphing their own toon that only they them selves can see, many streamers are doing it now, blizzard doesn't care as it's only a visual thing that you can see and it doesn't impact other players especially the fact it's client side which is pretty hard to detect, if at all detectable by blizzard.