So, I am trying to just farm snurble tufts. For that I copied and pasted (and renamed) the file here and made some edits. Basically I set the snurble Golden fleece to a max level of 50 and everything after it to a min/max 51/51. It still keeps fighting the dolbyn (which gives 33% more exp right now but I want to be farming these suckers too). Not sure what I am doing wrong.
It's hard to help if you don't post your profile. Post it and I'm sure someone will look at it and try to help.
Don't use this - use the orderbot version- a lot better. Or as some people have mentioned the fatebot.
Do you know where the orderbot version is? Been using this without a hitch until today. Something must have changed because all it keeps doing is teleporting me and never runs to a grind spot. I am using it to level my chocobo, and fates are terrible for that.