Does anyone have any good healing tactics / settings for Brackenspore on Mythic? I completely suck on that boss. I tried using the Brackenspore setting set to True and using the Heal Target hot key to true, but doesn't seem to work and sometimes causes HB to crash.
Bracken spore crashes HB not sure why yet.. It just cuts out without logging anything. Heal target should work but not sure why it is so unreliable - code looks solid.
I really miss DoC logic and WG tweaks. It didnt cast wrath at all (okay 3 times ). Mirabis can you increase priority for phases 1 2 3 on Margok except intermissions. I did 57k HPS on Heroic Butcher. Very impressive without good logic (leaves only casted 2 WG).
I dont even use the CR for the shrooms. Keep shroom as target. Just put up 3 hots (x2 Rejuv + Lifebloom) HT and instant HT to overheal shroom, maybe a Regrowth depending. Thats if shrooms arent taking much heals from other healers, otherwise compensate but usually always keep up the 3 hots. If you have Visual targetting set to OFF, the CR will heal the raid whenever you are not direct healing the shroom manually. I save cd's for second blue shroom as that is when most people's dps cd's will be back up if lust was at start. Keep all blues up as long as possible but especially the second blue. For that I blow ToL and even HotW + Tranq when Infesting comes during it. Keep up all hots the whole time on it and heal it in between raid heals if the raid is taking a lot of damage. But since you cant always rely on the other healers to keep it up, I usually end up smashing heals on the blue full time till it drops, and maybe just a WG or 2 on raid. It really helps if a green spawns right near the blue and you can overheal the green for when Infesting comes while the blue is up, keeping hots on both while other heals keeps up the green.
Thanks for this. I just have a few questions, are you pausing the routine when the mushrooms appear? or are you just targeting and letting Leaves heal while you heal manually heal? I find that sometimes leaves puts Lifebloom on the tank after i've put it on the mushroom, I think my Lifebloom settings are on 'Automatic'. Thanks again.
Does anyone have an optimal file I could use for arenas? I'm getting absolutely wrecked with the stock settings.
This cr is just insanely good, too good almost lol. 3 min after dinging i went into proving grounds, full boomkin gear and trinkets, loaded the preset for it and hit start. Bot oneshot itself up to gold and failed 3rd or 4th wave endless, totally afk(cept for starting the waves) Best 12 bucks i've spent and probably ever will spend on the buddystore. Respect mirabis
Reached out for support by roboto to launch the setting platform -- having a bit of server issues. Hopefully i can release it soon!
I was just gonna ask where all the preset went from mop version Also something im missing after playing around for a while is descriptive tooltips for all the different settings, like when you hover over a spell or setting. If im not mistaken the "mop" version had it ? Was super useful
When doing 1 language it's ok, but for localized tooltips I have to work from a code, instead of just typing in the pretty GUI xD.... time ..time
Hello. Extra spider boss in everblooms dungeon. [24:580]: Engaged a boss, but he's not in our list? Send this to Mirabis [Boss Name: Xeri'tac ++ Boss ID: 84550]
It Doesnt seem to keep rejuv up on the tank at all times even with it set to 100%. Let me know if you need anything from me.
Thanks Did you have mana saving enabled? U got a log ? If rejuv drops but Germination is active and not below Germination health it will see Germination as Rejuvenation ; ) Platform is working now -- Thanks to Roboto ( Please go +rep him) Just have to fix some styling an fail proofing - prob submitting it in 1-2 days.
Hi, How can I make this work with SoF and DoC, because I can't seem to enable Wrath anywhere? Or is this not supported?
I currently have a level 65 restoration/feral druid and I really like this, but when I used this in my last two dungeons, it doesn't seem to be healing well with default dungeon setups? (70% total heals is apparently super terrible?) I just started actually learning restoration (and healing for that matter) and figured to use this for better automation but two of my tanks (both DK who pulled a lot, but not what I would necessarily consider "too much") would go down or die; I was able to keep others up after they died however (as in, the tanks (and one warrior dps) would die but I was able to keep our hunter/paladin/mage(s) healed with the paladin helping to top himself off) So my question is, was the one tank who complained about my heals just bad and salty, or is there more efficient setups for dungeon healing and I'm actually bad at healing even with this? lol