I have a 68 Feral Druid, and I'm sitting in Borean Tundra starting zone inn getting rested xp and I ask a simple question. What is the quickest profile to get to 80? Once I hit 80, I'm manually gonna do 80-85, but I've gone through NR too many times to hand level. Suggestions?
Try this and report http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...951-questing-order-alen521-horde-68-80-a.html
I've tried this profile, but it fails for lvl73: ThreadAbortException caught... did the user press the 'Stop' button? Warning: Missing subelement GrindArea in "SetGrindArea". Changing current profile to 部落北風68-80任務 alen521 Pull Max Distance set to 40 Pull Min Distance set to 35 Stop called! ThreadAbortException caught... did the user press the 'Stop' button? I'd say try something better than this one.
hey, i want to use this profile too, but i get everytime a problem. the bot doesnt do quests he only grind. I have German wow and a lvl 68 char.