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  • 6 accounts closed including main account - Got 3 unbanned

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by samsy, Jan 9, 2015.

    1. samsy

      samsy New Member

      Mar 13, 2012
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      So yesterday I RAF 2 accounts from my main account. I bought the 2 new accounts with my AMEX off G2A games(I have never used this site before). Then registered them both with Blizzard as separate accounts not associated with my Bnet.
      Then after setting them up I purchased a lvl 90 upgrade on one account. Then on the 2nd account I purchased the 90 upgrade and it kept failing with a "Shop Error". I then received an email from AMEX saying they suspected Fraud on my AMEX. I authorized the transactions. Once I did this, it let me purchase the 2nd 90 boost.

      After all of this I was botting on 3 accounts, 1 associated with my main battle.net (but not my main account, just an older burner account), and the other 2 new accounts I just purchased.
      Within 2 hours all of accounts associated with my main Bnet account were closed, including the 2 new ones I just bought.
      Here is the kicker. Since my AMEX was flagged for fraud, Blizzard looks at the account bought with it and saw they were botting and closed them and all other accounts associated with that AMEX. This led to Bnet closing all accounts associated with my AMEX, including my main that had nothing to do with it.

      Long story short, I got my main account unbanned because I called and said someone hacked my Bnet account and AMEX card, they confirmed the suspicious activity and unbanned my accounts. They left the other accounts closed and refunded my money for the 2 accounts and 2x90 boosts.

      What I would do differently:
      Buy Account A. Purchase 90 boost.
      Buy Account b. Purchase 90 boost.
      Sit on them for a couple days doing NORMAL WoW activities. This also will ensure nothing with you Credit Card was fishy that would raise red flags or draw attention.
      Then slowly start botting on them at maybe 5 hour max time intervals.
    2. Rigged

      Rigged New Member

      May 18, 2013
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      So straight up scamming?
    3. samsy

      samsy New Member

      Mar 13, 2012
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    4. to0t

      to0t Member

      Jul 20, 2010
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      he isnt scamming.

      to tc, use paypal and transfer the fund from your cc to a paypal account. if paypal suspect you of fraud it doesnt trigger an investigation on blizzard's end to audit your account...

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