I have 2 linked accounts, i have a 3rd account but no high levels, only level 60 DK... I have been spending many hours trying to figure out how to make this work but i failed All the plugins for questing together don't work i cant find bot bases I am not sure how to make my DK farm low level dungeons while my characters continue to leech, i do have 3 keys for honor buddy any help would be greatly appreciated
Hi Nani! I often send RAF request 4 times to same battle.net acc. 1 tank/1 healer rest dps. I let the quest until they can queue for dungeons. I let them do dungeons until they hit lvl 85 and then use kicks questing profiles up to 90. If you ant to play 1 of the characters and let the rest follow you etc then trye to use this: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...e-shadow-bot-raf-assist-dedicated-healer.html I havent used it yet so i have no idea how it works.
I just leveled using this guide: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...lti-botting-honorbuddy-setup-tips-tricks.html . That guide will show you how to use dungeonbuddy well, that is the easiest way to level with RaF. You mentioned you only have 3 keys so I would recommend either getting 2 more keys to run a 5 man RaF team and queue random dungeons, OR alternatively if the former is not an option you could run a 3 man team in RaF, just do not have any of them queue as the tank and also change the options in dungeonbuddy called follow leader/tank distance and make sure they are all following at different distances so they don't stack on eachother sketchily. If you have any further questions for me please PM and I'll do my best to help you out.
Am not able to make my 2 characters queue together when they are in party, as soon as i disband it they both queues np but when they are together it just won't queue up..
Setup in dungeon buddy 1 bot to be your leader and write the name of other 2 chars as followers on that leader Then do go to other 2 chars and put as follower and just write the leader name on it You should get invited by the leadedr and as soon they accept the invs, it should role check and queue Hope it helped